Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

i am not gonna listen to those samples...i'm doing it old school: just wait till its out and then go in the record store and buy it! i don't want to ruin my first listen on that one...
i am not gonna listen to those samples...i'm doing it old school: just wait till its out and then go in the record store and buy it! i don't want to ruin my first listen on that one...

Good man. The only problem I have with that is that there is so much shit out there that I cannot afford to waste my money. I want to know what I am getting and I want to support the band. If it is a band I highly enjoy I don't want to give them my money for releasing a SHIT album. If it is shit then it shouldn't gain anything and the band should take a hit from it.

And as the years go on we know that bands are capable of writing shit after years of release after release of good material.
i respect your point but a Band like COB won't have financial problems just because YOU don't buy the album.... :P there are still thousands of hardcore fans and collectors who will buy it. But i know what you mean...

also, i'm already making my own money so for me it's not that big of a problem to buy a CD i eventually don't like.
i respect your point but a Band like COB won't have financial problems just because YOU don't buy the album.... :P there are still thousands of hardcore fans and collectors who will buy it. But i know what you mean...

also, i'm already making my own money so for me it's not that big of a problem to buy a CD i eventually don't like.

Sure what I said is the statement from my side as to why I didn't purchase the album but it is common sense that if I do not purchase the album I won't be single handedly bringing the band to its knees.

I work hard for my money and if I go to buy a new t-shirt, mobile phone, car, house, what ever I am not going to just buy it knowing that the brand name has done good in the past. I always try it out first and see how it is. How many Nokia phones have been complete shit lately while in the past they've had excellent devices? Same goes with everything else I've listed.

I listen to the samples or the leak and decide from there what to do. I ALWAYS delete an album after I have heard it if I am not interested and I have ALWAYS purchased an album I've downloaded (and usually delete the download and rip my own MP3s).

Oh and BTW I already pre-order the Bodom album. :rolleyes:
if I go to buy a new t-shirt, mobile phone, car, house, what ever I am not going to just buy it knowing that the brand name has done good in the past


Of course COB is one of the few exceptions I would buy without listening, and that's what I'd actualy prefer to do, if only I could keep my hands away from these leaks etc.

The most important thing is if the music only gets better every time you listen to it, or it lacks the depth and gets boring soon.
I might be able to get the album this weekend, I'm very tight with this local record store, and I've been able to get albums before they hit the shelves in the past. It will probably leak as soon as record stores receive the stock though
I might be able to get the album this weekend, I'm very tight with this local record store, and I've been able to get albums before they hit the shelves in the past. It will probably leak as soon as record stores receive the stock though

That is usually what'll happen... I do not know if the Bodom promos are water-marked and are traceable to the source of the leak like Dimmu Borgir's albums are.

Nuclear Blast is trying hard to stomp leakage. :lol:

Stocks usually arrive a week or sometimes up to two in advance. There will be a leak very soon I feel.
I do not know if the Bodom promos are water-marked and are traceable to the source of the leak like Dimmu Borgir's albums are.

They are.

Unless you're friends with a music journalist, there's no way to get to listen to the CD just yet.

Got my copy of the WIWI singel today! :D

I work in a record store, and we will get it march 4th, or maybe sooner than that. since the release date is march 4th in Norway even though it says 7th on the COB homepage :P
If it is a band I highly enjoy I don't want to give them my money for releasing a SHIT album. If it is shit then it shouldn't gain anything and the band should take a hit from it.

Forgot to quote this. I so fucking agree with this. Many metal bands flop and then bitch (aloud or inside) about people not buying their new album blindly. I think the key to sell CD's these days is by making brilliant albums, bands will have to deal with it. Nothing else can change one's idealism of buying or downloading albums, doing great music is the only way to affect it.

That's why I hate commercialism in music. It allows bands to make shit albums and not get hit by it.
Forgot to quote this. I so fucking agree with this. Many metal bands flop and then bitch (aloud or inside) about people not buying their new album blindly. I think the key to sell CD's these days is by making brilliant albums, bands will have to deal with it. Nothing else can change one's idealism of buying or downloading albums, doing great music is the only way to affect it.

That's why I hate commercialism in music. It allows bands to make shit albums and not get hit by it.

Once commercialism and capitalism has entered the studio doors then the music has been compromised and is not art anymore.

Last year I purchased six albums and one only to turn it around and re-sell it the next day (that was the plan). The other five I purchased because they were fucking great albums. Loved them all. There are tons of bands I only have one or two albums from because the albums were just not strong enough to be worth my money. The only album I have boughten blindly in most recent years was Amon Amarth's TotTG and that was after only hearing the title track and Guardians Of Asgaard. Those are the only two songs even worth anything and if I had known that I would NOT have purchased the album. As much as Fate of the Norns, Versus the World and With Oden On Our Side kicked ass, Twilight of the Thunder God was pretty damn bland.