The Bringer
I would imagine it would be "available" sooner than that.... every time I have seen an album's samples go up on Amazon it was only a few days before the leak showed up.
i am not gonna listen to those samples...i'm doing it old school: just wait till its out and then go in the record store and buy it! i don't want to ruin my first listen on that one...
i respect your point but a Band like COB won't have financial problems just because YOU don't buy the album....there are still thousands of hardcore fans and collectors who will buy it. But i know what you mean...
also, i'm already making my own money so for me it's not that big of a problem to buy a CD i eventually don't like.
if I go to buy a new t-shirt, mobile phone, car, house, what ever I am not going to just buy it knowing that the brand name has done good in the past
I might be able to get the album this weekend, I'm very tight with this local record store, and I've been able to get albums before they hit the shelves in the past. It will probably leak as soon as record stores receive the stock though
I do not know if the Bodom promos are water-marked and are traceable to the source of the leak like Dimmu Borgir's albums are.
You tell me what a fair price for the first CoB single is... I don't remember what I paid.Price?
My condolensces.Got my copy of the WIWI singel today!![]()
Got my copy of the WIWI singel today!![]()
If it is a band I highly enjoy I don't want to give them my money for releasing a SHIT album. If it is shit then it shouldn't gain anything and the band should take a hit from it.
Forgot to quote this. I so fucking agree with this. Many metal bands flop and then bitch (aloud or inside) about people not buying their new album blindly. I think the key to sell CD's these days is by making brilliant albums, bands will have to deal with it. Nothing else can change one's idealism of buying or downloading albums, doing great music is the only way to affect it.
That's why I hate commercialism in music. It allows bands to make shit albums and not get hit by it.
Out of curiosity: has there ever been a contest for just Europe?For US/Canada residents only (sorry other people)