Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

I'm talking about the key solos in gerneral. I really like the keys as an adiitional rythm instrument and for making a good atmosphere but I really don't like ANY of Jannes solos. But maybe they would be better if he uses another tone... maybe more distortion in it and not this sawtooth sound... Don't know
I'm talking about the key solos in gerneral. I really like the keys as an adiitional rythm instrument and for making a good atmosphere but I really don't like ANY of Jannes solos. But maybe they would be better if he uses another tone... maybe more distortion in it and not this sawtooth sound... Don't know

I'm talking about yer mum's solos in gerneral. I really like mah bawlz as an adiitional rythm instrument and for making a good atmosphere but I really don't like ANY of yer mum's solos.
some musician are simply musician and excellent at that, and they're neither good composer nor interested in the process.

Exactly. A skilled instrument player being a gifted songwriter is about as valid statement as saying Guitar Hero players will become better guitarists. What I mean is, sometimes people who don't know music theory and can't play any instrument, succeed in making more interesting music (let's say computer music) than someone with theory and instrument experience but no vision. Of course what makes a song good is a personal opinion. ~I think COB is doing it as it's best.
As a change of pace, in what direction does everyone think the vocals should go?

Alexi probably sings the way that's natural for his throat?

Everytime I Die has awesome vocals. I like the Hatebreeder (slower, more DM) style vocals. The new faster and clearer ones work in theory but I think they're not quite as special.

I would think it's impossible to concentrate 100% on singing while concentrating 100% on playing. Chuck Schuldiner did that, but the vocals in Death are slower.

But check out the Seoul Korea live footage (2001?), I know there's a strong delay effect being used, but Alexi's really enjoying his vocal stuff more.

These days he sometimes (usually start of gig) pulls off some DM style, and sometimes he sings lower pitch (often in Angels and Sixpounder - slower, heavier songs) but other than that his vocals suck, and when he forgets them, it sucks three times more.

An unmotivated Alexi with sore throat and memory malfunction does not sound very cool. Then on his best moment his vocals totally rule.

I hope they at least try something new.

Usually Alexi sings lower pitch on slower parts and higher pitch on faster parts. What if they rewized that, so he would sing slow deathmetal styled parts high pitch, and when the song speeds up he sings faster but lower pitch? That would be revolutionary. Just an idea.
I found the Blooddrunk vocals damn irritating tbh. I can't really pinpoint why, but his voice just seems harsher,more abrasive and edgy (I don't mean in the 'fashionable' sense of the word) in comparison to the character of the vocals on FTR and HCDR. I'm not going to say his vocals nowadays sound more generic because they are still immediately recognisable as Alexi's,but in a different way,they seem bland in comparison to his voice on say,Children of Decadence imo. There's definately a different 'quality' to his voice these days. I sincerely hope there's no more of that on the new album...

Edit: I can't believe Arcane can't see the sheer GLORY behind Janne's Chokehold solo at least,that's harsh. I don't think I've heard a solo from Janne I dislike actually, at least not any of his stuff with COB anyway.
the vocals that got me into them were mostly the ones on hatebreeder and something wild. He had more intensity back then, such as on songs like Black widow, Downfall, In The Shadows, The Nail. Everything sounded so much more dark back then. Now it seems like he's trying to sound more american, I really almost wish they would have stayed in Europe and never got exposed to bands such as Lamb Of God and shit like that. His voice is still good, and he is still audible, but when they play songs like downfall live now he doesn't hold the notes the same when he yells, like when he says "I flee". Instead now he goes, "I flee yuh" and that shit is annoying. That and when he throws in the random "yeah yeahhhhhhhh"'s. The vocals that really interested me were the ones on Black Widow, like in the chorus part where he makes his voice really low. I always loved that.
Well I kinda like the 'Yaoow', it's typical for Aleksi I guess and it makes me laugh during Hevikaraoke because it's pretty much the only thing my friends are able to spit out when they try to karaoke a bodomsong.. (Me too btw...)
I've been watching this thread for a bit now, and if y'all will just be patient with me while I say....

Fuck me swinging, this thread reads like the COB fan equivalent of going through the drive-thru at Burger King and placing your order: I want the Hatebreeder-rehash value meal, Something Wild-supersized with a side of Hate Crew Deathroll - hold the Blooddrunk and AYDY?, motherfucker. Seriously, it's like the stereotypical obnoxious, mullet-sporting, beer-swilling drunk standing in the front row of nearly every rock/metal show for the last 30 years, screaming, "Play 'Freebird'!!!"

Admittedly, there's a fine line to be walked when your art is also your brand, but just how honest and worthwhile can the next stage in Children of Bodom's evolution be if they allow their creative output to be com-modified and/or dictated to them by mostly anonymous posters on the Internet? There's something to be said for loyalty, but you don't owe them anything and they don't owe you. If you can't relate to what they're throwing down, no one makes you click links or pull out your wallet. Don't forget: These guys got into music because it made THEM happy. And at any rate, I'm pretty sure there's a few fairly compelling reasons why THEY get to do this for a living and none of the rest of US do.

*insert pause for you all to reflect on what those reasons might be*

You're all allowed your opinions and I'm not trying to take that from you. It might be slightly smarmy to criticize the band on their own board on their own dime, but whatever, right? Having said that, if the "hardcore faithful" can't get behind whatever the band might be so inclined as to throw down next, then maybe a new generation of fans might. And if not that, then it's five o'clock somewhere and there's always Open Mic Night. Fuck it, right?

(On a side note: Seeing as Henkka appears to be the only band member without a side project, if he needs a sugarmamma in case COB stops working out for him, tell him to call me.)
I think that was one fo the best posts I've read in here for a while!
Totally agree with you.

Plus, it seems to be a phenomenon especially in the metal scene, that people over-rate the first two to three albums and then complain how all following albums aren't just 'that good'.
I know it's a matter of personal taste, but I never understood why it's so hard on some people to see a new album as an own entity, and why it is so hard to relate to new things for some people.
I've been watching this thread for a bit now, and if y'all will just be patient with me while I say....

Fuck me swinging, this thread reads like the COB fan equivalent of going through the drive-thru at Burger King and placing your order: I want the Hatebreeder-rehash value meal, Something Wild-supersized with a side of Hate Crew Deathroll - hold the Blooddrunk and AYDY?, motherfucker. Seriously, it's like the stereotypical obnoxious, mullet-sporting, beer-swilling drunk standing in the front row of nearly every rock/metal show for the last 30 years, screaming, "Play 'Freebird'!!!"

Admittedly, there's a fine line to be walked when your art is also your brand, but just how honest and worthwhile can the next stage in Children of Bodom's evolution be if they allow their creative output to be com-modified and/or dictated to them by mostly anonymous posters on the Internet? There's something to be said for loyalty, but you don't owe them anything and they don't owe you. If you can't relate to what they're throwing down, no one makes you click links or pull out your wallet. Don't forget: These guys got into music because it made THEM happy. And at any rate, I'm pretty sure there's a few fairly compelling reasons why THEY get to do this for a living and none of the rest of US do.

*insert pause for you all to reflect on what those reasons might be*

You're all allowed your opinions and I'm not trying to take that from you. It might be slightly smarmy to criticize the band on their own board on their own dime, but whatever, right? Having said that, if the "hardcore faithful" can't get behind whatever the band might be so inclined as to throw down next, then maybe a new generation of fans might. And if not that, then it's five o'clock somewhere and there's always Open Mic Night. Fuck it, right?

(On a side note: Seeing as Henkka appears to be the only band member without a side project, if he needs a sugarmamma in case COB stops working out for him, tell him to call me.)

I stopped reading in the midway. You know, if you don't like discussing their new album, fuck off this thread.
No Joonas, I think he's pretty right. He's not saying don't discuss, he's saying don't go "Custom order" on the album because that's not the way it works, and some peolpe here instead of saying what they think next album can bring or what they'd like to hear are posting in a "I command the band to do this or that or else they'll suck forevermore and they're dead to me". Discussing the new album and providing crazy ideas (something you tend to be quite prolific at) is fun, but whining and telling the band what to do is boring, and also useless as they couldn't care less about what a bunch of anonymous internet users tell them. Yes, we know who of us are regulars here and actually like the band, but look at it as if you were one of them. How are you going to know who's just trying to piss you of or who's actually giving ideas? Plus, writing under someone else's orders is not fun, and I'd presonally loose all interest on writing and the music itself.

There's a fine line between giving ideas/discusing the album and whining/telling the band what to do, and some people doesn't seem to grasp that difference.
I find it amusing how some people here have already mentally judged about COB'S next album - as if it's been already released. It's discuss about their next album and not discussing the new album.

Joonas: you are the only person here who know how the next album will be so please keep this private!


talking about albums...

all albums including CRY and TW for 23€?!?