Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

I only think the ending to NMF is way to sudden.
And it sometimes feels like NPTD isn't fully done. Like there's a minute missing.
And it sometimes feels like NPTD isn't fully done. Like there's a minute missing.

Yeah, I felt the same way. I really liked the song but it felt incomplete.

After listening to the other songs in the album, I actually like WIWI now. Go figure.
LOL, im the troll? I just give my honest review of the album that I listened to and all of the sudden im called "fucking retarted", "stupid" and my music credibility is called into question. If you want to see the real troll, look in the mirror.

You are fucking retarded. Do you even play guitar? Because if you did you would know that everything they write has been getting progressively harder and harder to play.

Blooddrunk had some really difficult guitar parts and I know this cd is going to be even harder as the songs are just more technical.

You make alot of false assumptions... Things being harder to play is simply your opinion, not a fact. What is hard for some may be easy for others. Just because songs are "hard to play" doesn't make them good songs automatically. When I say the song writing has gotten seemingly lazier, i was not refering to the level of difficulty that it takes to play a song.

I know this cd is going to be even harder as the songs are just more technical.

How do you know? Have you heard the album? More technical than what? Is this just another assumption your projecting as fact?
I'm not saying it's better because it is harder......I was just getting at it is more difficult to play as he was saying CoB got lazy with there wirtting, which is untrue. If they got lazy they would not write songs with the difficulty that they have.

Not really. They're at a level where they could play all of that w/o excessive amount of effort, and playing 'simple' stuff would just be boring.

I do think some of the songwriting may come off as "lazy", some of the songs don't sound as "polished" as others. I think I wrote more about that in some other thread... May have to do with change in style, as The Bringer thinks, or maybe just less time spent perfecting the tracks.
LOL, im the troll? I just give my honest review of the album that I listened to and all of the sudden im called "fucking retarted", "stupid" and my music credibility is called into question. If you want to see the real troll, look in the mirror.

You make alot of false assumptions... Things being harder to play is simply your opinion, not a fact. What is hard for some may be easy for others. Just because songs are "hard to play" doesn't make them good songs automatically. When I say the song writing has gotten seemingly lazier, i was not refering to the level of difficulty that it takes to play a song.

How do you know? Have you heard the album? More technical than what? Is this just another assumption your projecting as fact? doesn't work like that on guitar or any instrument. A hard song to play is a hard song to play. And I never said they were better because they were harder. Did I? NO, I didn't. And if you are not refering to the level of difficulty what were you refering to?

How do I know....hmmm...because I have heard every song from the cd...called youtube...look them up. except for the cover song.

More technical than what? Everything else they have pretty much written so far. I know ALOT of Bodom songs on guitar from every album, and I already know 2-1/2" songs from the new album...and they are harder to play...simple as that.

So no assumption. Been playing guitar for about 15 years I kind of know what a "hard" song is and honestly a lot of the old stuff isn't that hard...some of the solos are but the riffs are not.
You are fucking retarded. Do you even play guitar? Because if you did you would know that everything they write has been getting progressively harder and harder to play.

Next time you eat something and say it's gross I hope the mongoloid that keeps company with you shouts "YOU ARE FUCKING RETARDED! DO YOU EVEN COOK? IF YOU DID YOU'D KNOW THAT EVERYTHING THE CHEF MAKES IS PROGRESSIVELY HARDER TO COOK."

Man you new age fanboys make the older generation look normal.
The album for me is ok, has some good songs but overall suffers from the same problem as BD, which is a lot of the songs sound the same and don't have a flow to me, feel more like a mash-up of different parts to make a song. And the vocals on some songs :erk: doesn't work like that on guitar or any instrument. A hard song to play is a hard song to play. And I never said they were better because they were harder. Did I? NO, I didn't. And if you are not refering to the level of difficulty what were you refering to?

How do I know....hmmm...because I have heard every song from the cd...called youtube...look them up. except for the cover song.

More technical than what? Everything else they have pretty much written so far. I know ALOT of Bodom songs on guitar from every album, and I already know 2-1/2" songs from the new album...and they are harder to play...simple as that.

So no assumption. Been playing guitar for about 15 years I kind of know what a "hard" song is and honestly a lot of the old stuff isn't that hard...some of the solos are but the riffs are not.

You are so right, sir. These songs are quite a bitch to play.

am i the only who thinks RRF is bad ass? cause no one has really mentioned it all.....

RRF is badass. It is technical and it's filled with awesome licks....perfect for developing my guitar skills!
Next time you eat something and say it's gross I hope the mongoloid that keeps company with you shouts "YOU ARE FUCKING RETARDED! DO YOU EVEN COOK? IF YOU DID YOU'D KNOW THAT EVERYTHING THE CHEF MAKES IS PROGRESSIVELY HARDER TO COOK."

Man you new age fanboys make the older generation look normal.

I actually like this comparison.

@Cronopio Are you Undefined's alt. account? :lol: all I ever see you do is come in at random times, and quote his posts to agree.
Don't hate me but I think Are You Dead Yet? is better. The title track is awesome though. I do agree with what somebody said above that some of the songs sound similar.