Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Next time you eat something and say it's gross I hope the mongoloid that keeps company with you shouts "YOU ARE FUCKING RETARDED! DO YOU EVEN COOK? IF YOU DID YOU'D KNOW THAT EVERYTHING THE CHEF MAKES IS PROGRESSIVELY HARDER TO COOK."

Man you new age fanboys make the older generation look normal.

Maybe if the chef didn't cook so sloppily it would taste better.

And waht do you mean new age fanboys? I was born in 1981...not very new age if you ask me...been listening to Bodom for quit some time now....just haven't been on the boards as long as you and others.
At last album which is definitely worth buying since HCDR :) In Album every song you can hear different influences in each song. I can hear they were trying to please old,mid,new fans and imo they have done it! RRF = top playlist for at least 2 months while partying and own release party :kickass:
Allright, got my Limited Dlx. Edition Today!

Aw man lucky! Awesome man hope you enjoy the CD :)
After listening to about half of it its actually pretty good, most of the songs are weak by themselves but together they come off a lot stronger. Roundtrip to Hell & Back stands out a lot, Was it Worth it is a terrible terrible choice for a single, the songs are a lot better mixed than the previous 2 albums and the keys are quite dominant which is a welcome return.
So, I got the album(How? Lets just say I got it after I saw the thread made by the webmaster.....hehehe).
The solos are nice, but songs themselves don't really do it for me.
I'm glad I found other bands to listen to.
I agree with EL ROV. This album definitely has some STONE vibe in it. I'm a big fan of both CoB and STONE and I really like most of the songs on RRF after few listens.

I don't understand why most people on this forum dislike Northpole Throwdown. In my opinion it has the best overall flow and it is catchy!

Btw, first post on the forum :)
I think my favourite songs are...


Fucking love the first half of the album, but I can't help but feel that Roundtrip should've had a second solo... Thought it was gone kick in, but it just finished. PMS reminds me of Pantera when it comes on.