I don't think this thread should have been made. Religion is just too touchy and personal of a subject to be discussed on a message board.
You know. Fuck this shit.
I'm fine with someone not believing what I do. I have never in my life disrespected anyone because of their religion or lack-therof. I have discovered through my own philosophies that God exists and that Jesus Christ had something to crow about. I am fully capable of using logic and reasoning, and am disgusted by the lack of respect for anyone who has any kind of religion on this board. None of us ever did anything to you, or insulted you. I live the exact same lifestyle more or less of everyone on this board. I listen to the same bands, have the same kind of sense of humor, wear the same clothes etc. and it shouldnt fucking matter what religious choice I have made for myself. I have NEVER in my entire life disrespected someone because of their religion choice, and I don't see why Atheists get a free pass to do it. Maybe there are SOME shitty, over-zealous Christians, but thats like saying we should get rid of all black people cause they're ALL criminals, amirite?
All human beings have different personalities, cultures, traditions, religions, and philosophies.
If I ever met anyone from this board in person, we would get along great and my faith would never even enter your mind. Unless someone blatantly insults you or hurts you, don't take it out on people who have never shown you any disrespect.
You know Altitudes, I used to believe exactly the same as you.
Sam Harris - The End of Faith.
Will completely change your mind however, he brings up some incredibly interesting points. It is a very educational read I might add.
Unfortunately, it matters to me what religion you are, as wrong as that sounds. THis is simply because religious moderates (what most of you religious folk are) pave the way for religious extremists. You allow them to function, religious terrorism becomes alive through you. You also allow imperative laws (like the separation of church and state) to be broken, unchallenged ALL THE TIME. This is fucking unacceptable by anyones standards. I will try my best to convert as many people as I possibly can, however most of the time I don't need to convert anyone, most free thinking humans have already questioned their faith and are reassured about their thoughts when they hear the same thing from me, or anyone like me.
You know, you're right. Stupid fuckin' German people for giving birth to that Hitler guy!
whats a religion
can guitar be mine ?
my analogy makes perfect sense.
You're saying that all Christians are fucked up people. The Christians I know volunteer at homeless shelters, go overseas to give poor children a chance at a decent education, and help starving third world countries get back on their feet. To say that these people are allowing religious terrorism is asinine; its not their fault that a few assholes committed genocide because they were stubborn and unaccepting.
all christians arent fucker
they just beleive in jesus
but jesus would be cooler if he would sing free bird with this angel band and had like angel wings and had the bong of destiny
Your boundaries of Genocide are too narrow.
Consider if you will, Christian missionaries in Africa, preaching to young adults that using a condom during sex is a sin.