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If you don't know everything about the bible then why do you so blindly follow it? Seems like a little bit of a premature decision?

Get to know Agnosticism/Atheism before you decide on whether you can continue living as a Christian and if Agnosticism/Atheism don't seem appealing? Get to know your Christianity better. Once I was a Christian, it was Christianity that proved to me that God didn't exist.

Your thougt about life seem deep.

I respect that.
No, they just have developed basic logic and reasoning skills.

As I told you before, I didn't believe in God or the Bible either before. I thought that something like that just can't exist in any way and seemed to be just pure bullshit. And I knew the basics of the Bible and god etc. But when I was at this Confirmation thing, which I may have told about to some of you, there the teacher/priest who knew better, kept 30min-1hour lessons and told about Bible/God. By then I realized how the things were, and I had a thought on my mind that , that "hey this isn't that complicated/bullshit as I thought" and had thought on my mind that God might actually exist. After that I realized that God existed and I felt him being with me, on a way which I have NEVER, felt on my life before. And I'm so happy about it

- Sorry for lil' messy post.
Because I simply don't need to know everything about it. If I want to know more, I ask from someone who knows better/search stuff on my own if I manage to. And I'm not blindly following it.
If a true Christian turns Agnostic/Atheist it's Satans work by then.

No, it's NOT. This post was EXTREMELY disrespectful, and it shows pretty much why religion should not and must not be respected the way it demands respect.
As I told you before, I didn't believe in God or the Bible either before. I thought that something like that just can't exist in any way and seemed to be just pure bullshit. And I knew the basics of the Bible and god etc. But when I was at this Confirmation thing, which I may have told about to some of you, there the teacher/priest who knew better, kept 30min-1hour lessons and told about Bible/God. By then I realized how the things were, and I had a thought on my mind that , that "hey this isn't that complicated/bullshit as I thought" and had thought on my mind that God might actually exist. After that I realized that God existed and I felt him being with me, on a way which I have NEVER, felt on my life before. And I'm so happy about it

- Sorry for lil' messy post.

Sounds like mass hypnosis to me. How do you think Hitler had so many supporters? Through fear. Your religion is a sugar coated piece of shit.
Sounds like mass hypnosis to me. How do you think Hitler had so many supporters? Through fear. Your religion is a sugar coated piece of shit.

Seriously, I rofled at that. Not mass hypnosis, I'm still myself with the ways I lived before, except I believe in God. Also, there was other people with me. Some of them still think the way they thought before and dont rly believe as strongly as I do. Also there was also this 1 guy who claims that he believes in Satan, but he still was there and joined the christian church and I'm still like "wtf" about it... But nothing but mass hypnosis. It was my very own choise to join the church and the way how I believe is my own, no-one elses. Religion is not same likely in every country, the way how I believe is just how we do it at Finland. But ofc the Bible has the same word on it, was it written on any language.
Btw, got more sense into this thing... Evangelic Lutheric christianity is based on the New Testament. We're not taking anything away from the Bible itself, but we do use the Old Testament too, but just in the way how Jesus had guided us to, int he New Testament. Also, was it Spirit Crusher or who, who said that they posted before quote from the end of the New Testament? That part wasn't even meant originally to be added to the Bible, but the last part means just the last chapter, Johns revelation.
Even though it might look like you're kissing my ass, I actually no longer wish death by pelican to you. It is a respectable feat for someone to dissolve religious belief within themselves.

I was raised Catholict. Very Strict. I broke away from that mentallity and found solace in metal music (well not really that, ive always been a metalhead, the people at the church shunned me for it so i got pissed off and started reading about other religions ending in the conclusion that it is all a bunch of nonsense) I understood the falacy behind the words the minister spoke. Hopefully in time more will do the same.
Because I simply don't need to know everything about it. If I want to know more, I ask from someone who knows better/search stuff on my own if I manage to. And I'm not blindly following it.
If a true Christian turns Agnostic/Atheist it's Satans work by then.
This proves how fucking ignorant you are. Not to mention weak minded. You have yet to give any plausible explanation behind your beliefs. Every single one of your posts contradicts the other ending in a terrible mess of a belief. You need to sit and fucking read for once without forming a complete belief with bits of information gathered from some fag priest talking for an hour.
Btw, got more sense into this thing... Evangelic Lutheric christianity is based on the New Testament. We're not taking anything away from the Bible itself, but we do use the Old Testament too, but just in the way how Jesus had guided us to, int he New Testament. Also, was it Spirit Crusher or who, who said that they posted before quote from the end of the New Testament? That part wasn't even meant originally to be added to the Bible, but the last part means just the last chapter, Johns revelation.

According to your beliefs, god is Omniscient and Omnipotent, therefore it was added because god willed it to be, and the quote clearly does not mean "this last chapter" it clearly is talking about the entire book.

Caught in another lie I see.

Grow a brain.

Also if there is a hell, ALL Evangelicals will end up there, some of them are even worse than Pal Pot, Pinochet, Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini combined. I don't even consider Lutherans real people.

Offensive? Maybe. But the true offense lies in their ability to have a completely defunct moral system.
Hmm, I usually prefer to say nothing, but what the hell, eh?


I don't think you are a bad guy but I would like you to take a course in biology and chemistry THEN come back and continue your debate here.
You know. Fuck this shit.

I'm fine with someone not believing what I do. I have never in my life disrespected anyone because of their religion or lack-therof. I have discovered through my own philosophies that God exists and that Jesus Christ had something to crow about. I am fully capable of using logic and reasoning, and am disgusted by the lack of respect for anyone who has any kind of religion on this board. None of us ever did anything to you, or insulted you. I live the exact same lifestyle more or less of everyone on this board. I listen to the same bands, have the same kind of sense of humor, wear the same clothes etc. and it shouldnt fucking matter what religious choice I have made for myself. I have NEVER in my entire life disrespected someone because of their religion choice, and I don't see why Atheists get a free pass to do it. Maybe there are SOME shitty, over-zealous Christians, but thats like saying we should get rid of all black people cause they're ALL criminals, amirite?
All human beings have different personalities, cultures, traditions, religions, and philosophies.
If I ever met anyone from this board in person, we would get along great and my faith would never even enter your mind. Unless someone blatantly insults you or hurts you, don't take it out on people who have never shown you any disrespect.
You know. Fuck this shit.

I'm fine with someone not believing what I do. I have never in my life disrespected anyone because of their religion or lack-therof. I have discovered through my own philosophies that God exists and that Jesus Christ had something to crow about. I am fully capable of using logic and reasoning, and am disgusted by the lack of respect for anyone who has any kind of religion on this board. None of us ever did anything to you, or insulted you. I live the exact same lifestyle more or less of everyone on this board. I listen to the same bands, have the same kind of sense of humor, wear the same clothes etc. and it shouldnt fucking matter what religious choice I have made for myself. I have NEVER in my entire life disrespected someone because of their religion choice, and I don't see why Atheists get a free pass to do it. Maybe there are SOME shitty, over-zealous Christians, but thats like saying we should get rid of all black people cause they're ALL criminals, amirite?
All human beings have different personalities, cultures, traditions, religions, and philosophies.
If I ever met anyone from this board in person, we would get along great and my faith would never even enter your mind. Unless someone blatantly insults you or hurts you, don't take it out on people who have never shown you any disrespect.

You've gotta be fucking kidding. Atheists are, by far, the most segregated and frowned upon minority group. Don't act like you're being discriminated every day for being a christian, because that's simply not true.
more often than not throughout the course of history, religion has been merely a cloak or a ruse of deciet for ulterior motives spawned from insecurity or corruption. galileo was burned at the stake for his scientific postulates and advancements which were at the time considered blasphemy, however have proven to be true. I guess Christians just ignore that bit. Or the Salem Witch Trials. Mass genocide based on a few children's lies? The Inquisitions; did God really want his creations slaughtered in the face of dogmatic allegory? WARS have been fought based on one person's interpretation of supposedly god's true wishes. would god really want his people mindlessly slaughtering each other over their beliefs about him? i'd be hard pressed to believe a being of divine benevolence would sanction that.

Religious postulates have proven time and time again to be untrue. The Universe revolving aroudn the sun, Creationism (yes its been proven bible humpers), etc. How many times has "god's will" been merely the destruction of so many innocents? How many times has "god" been wrong about the workings of "his" world? maybe religions was needed so that people could explain the unexplainable; however in the face of modern science, it
Mixing faith with science, thats something all scientists around the world should be offended by. Religion is not progressive and never will be. it is detrimental to the advancement of the human race.

believe in whatever you will, that's fine. as soon as it inhibits your logical reasoning as a human being, as soon as you start forcing it upon other people (you know every religions is guilty of this), as soon as it becomes an excuse for morally unjust actions then well, seriously. do i even need to say more?

edit: to clarify, its not belief systems i have problems with. its organized religion that i find distasteful for the aforementioned reasons.
You've gotta be fucking kidding. Atheists are, by far, the most segregated and frowned upon minority group. Don't act like you're being discriminated every day for being a christian, because that's simply not true.

I'm discriminated all the time for my beliefs, especially by people around my age.
but still, thats not my point. My point is that NO ONE should be discriminated against. We're all the same and it shouldn't matter on a damn internet message board what faith you are.
I don't see the need for agression in this thread. Achieves nothing.

I have yet to see anyone religious in this thread try and force their belief's on anyone else and they are being attacked as weak minded oppressors, by people who seem to be making an attempt to do some oppressing themselves.

I don't believe Jesus was a God, but that doesn't lesson the values of alot of what he stood for, that can be respected at least. If someone want's to call themselves Christian then unless they are a complete idiot or brainwashed then the chances are they have thought about it and decided on a spiritual level that it's what they want for them. Good for them, I'd only be interested in debating why such beliefes exist, not calling someone an idiot for having them.
I agree nobody should push there beliefs on anyone and nobody is doing that. The point of this thread was debate. Just because someone is trying to disprove and show the flaws in eachothers beliefs doesent mean they are attacking them, it means they are doing just what this thread was intended for. I am sure that all of us atheists would be fine to agree on dissagreeing but if we are discussing it let us poke holes in your theories and maybe you can try to take it in stride and try to prove that our beliefs are false but once again allow us to retort. I am srue everyone will be at a neutral standpoint at the end of this discussion.

It doesent have to be completely civilized, i mean we arent sitting in a dining room having tea and crumpets if someone tells you to grow a brain dont take it so fucking seriously its just a discussion.
Yeah I agree, I was just wondering whether this debate could do with a little less agression, I don't think anyone has to argue their point's with insults to get them across, is all I was saying.

I think this whole debate comes down to one thing, the "leap of faith". You have all the facts, and you then have a choice, you either want to believe or you don't. That's why I don't think a neutral stance is really possible.
I agree nobody should push there beliefs on anyone and nobody is doing that. The point of this thread was debate. Just because someone is trying to disprove and show the flaws in eachothers beliefs doesent mean they are attacking them, it means they are doing just what this thread was intended for. I am sure that all of us atheists would be fine to agree on dissagreeing but if we are discussing it let us poke holes in your theories and maybe you can try to take it in stride and try to prove that our beliefs are false but once again allow us to retort. I am srue everyone will be at a neutral standpoint at the end of this discussion.

It doesent have to be completely civilized, i mean we arent sitting in a dining room having tea and crumpets if someone tells you to grow a brain dont take it so fucking seriously its just a discussion.

I don't think this thread should have been made. Religion is just too touchy and personal of a subject to be discussed on a message board.
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