Remind you of anything?

Did you ever notice that this rap crap is only being heard by teenagers? At least I don't know any grownups that do. Or is that just coincidence?

I've had the misfortune of witnessing grown-up rap fans. In fact it seems like they're all over the place these days.

You have to understand that due to MTV culture, many people actually exist in a permanent state of psychological adolescence. ;)
I'm gonna reply with a quote here

That's just what the guys from Manau are doing, be it in their own style. From the main guy I still get he believes in the story he is trying to tell. And, all in all, I'd rather have rap like this then all the gangsta rap out there.

yeah you're right, i don't dislike Manau. i actually like the lyrics from that rap song and I do prefer that sort of rap than the gangsta rap stuff.

Here's the song "Tri Martolod" by Alan Stivell which inspired Manau.. i do believe its a traditional breton song to start with :
Did you ever notice that this rap crap is only being heard by teenagers? At least I don't know any grownups that do. Or is that just coincidence?

There are adults who listen to rap, 30 year olds.. but they don't dress like rappers (thank Odin). They listen to the classic 80s rap usually... but they like other stuff as well..
at least thats my encounter with adult "rappers".
That's just what the guys from Manau are doing, be it in their own style. From the main guy I still get he believes in the story he is trying to tell. And, all in all, I'd rather have rap like this then all the gangsta rap out there.

I hear ya, dawg.

prejudices aren't nice

Well, they do look a lot like the little bastards who stole my car stereo a couple of months ago..;)
Yeah, call me crazy, but i sometimes get the feeling that rappers don't really have a lot of respect for women, but of course i'm probably just imagining this..;)

gee what makes you say that?? it couldnt possibly be the constant lyrics about sex and ho's and T&A etc. and while im ranting, the girls are no better, they play right up to it..and metal is apparently not acceptable in society but this rubbish is.. *grumble grumble*
gee what makes you say that?? it couldnt possibly be the constant lyrics about sex and ho's and T&A etc. and while im ranting, the girls are no better, they play right up to it..and metal is apparently not acceptable in society but this rubbish is.. *grumble grumble*

I know what you mean - it's a shame to see girls degrade themselves like that. Rap seems to be the perfect "music" for celebrating stupidity.
gee what makes you say that?? it couldnt possibly be the constant lyrics about sex and ho's and T&A etc. and while im ranting, the girls are no better, they play right up to it..and metal is apparently not acceptable in society but this rubbish is.. *grumble grumble*

To be honest, plenty of metal is even more degrading to women - sometimes literally.
Manowar - Pleasure Slave, Hail And Kill, etc.
All hair metal ever
But mostly the vast amounts of brutal death that revolves around torturing hookers.

However, metal is different in that there's no "walking the talk" like there is in rap, where the rappers are frequently actually dealers and pimps (discounting hair metal of course). Metal culture doesn't degrade women.
Exactly. With rap you have way to many fine bitches, so you can treat them like crap. But with metal, it's really hard to find a(n attractive) girl that you have to be really nice to them and let them in the front of the mosh and stuff.