Remind you of anything?

There are adults who listen to rap, 30 year olds.. but they don't dress like rappers (thank Odin). They listen to the classic 80s rap usually... but they like other stuff as well..
at least thats my encounter with adult "rappers".

Haha, I was going to say that maybe adults aren't stupid enough to listen to such "music." (Emphasis on the use of the ""). Lol.

But I guess it could be worse.
trust me, i know LOTS of metal guys that still treat metal girls like dirt.. so i dunno if that's it haha..

my metal girls and i windmill like nuts too, you should see us, we go crazy.. at immortal, my swedish friend david and i headbanged so hard i literally could not hold my neck up any more! it was great, but boy i paid for it after :lol:
lol, yeah too few metal girls to treat them like shit :p
The metal world is unfortunately not a very easy place to find a girlfriend, on the other hand, if a girl needs to find a boyfriend all she needs to do is become a metalhead :D what we guys must do is take ballet classes...
While we're on the subject of the treatment of women (womyn!), i wonder if Odin rewarded Scandinavian men for their good treatment of women by giving them the such smokin' hot ladies? Or is it merely a coincidence?

Hmmm..maybe it's cuz just i'm ripped right now, but methinks that's some food for thought..

Yeah...I'll ponder that as i meander over to my warm bed..:D
lol, yeah too few metal girls to treat them like shit :p
The metal world is unfortunately not a very easy place to find a girlfriend, on the other hand, if a girl needs to find a boyfriend all she needs to do is become a metalhead :D what we guys must do is take ballet classes...

Not true man, been a metalhead since my teen years...I have yet to find a guy who is brutal enough!
Damn Vilewoman, are you lookin for a guy to smack you around or choke you out or something??:zombie:

Nope just a metalhead with a good sense of humor (cuz I am a goofy shithead) who can handle a brutal cunt ;) (Outspoken, bold, not very romantical and honest to a fault)
yeah no, so not true.. in Melbourne anyway, there are HEAPS of metal girls.. way too darn many in fact. i have an awesome bf now, but i had been single for years, and even down here it took me nearly a year to meet someone worth wanting to date (who is also the right age! sure i met lots of cute 21 year old guys, but thats just way too young).. mostly any guy half decent, and of a decent age to suit myself, are already in relationships, so that tells me there's too many metal women out there taking them all.. and most of my female metal friends are all single too here, i can list about 8 of them off the top of my head, all beautiful wonderful girls..
Nope just a metalhead with a good sense of humor (cuz I am a goofy shithead) who can handle a brutal cunt ;) (Outspoken, bold, not very romantical and honest to a fault)

heh, i'm exactly that. :D I'm a little shy at first but when i'm with palls i'm the "clown" of the party. ^^ and after once i'm drunk we go off to fight some scumbags. good times good times.

i had been single for years

its like theres no justice in this world! :)
heh, i'm exactly that. :D I'm a little shy at first but when i'm with palls i'm the "clown" of the party. ^^ and after once i'm drunk we go off to fight some scumbags. good times good times.

I'm the clown without booze, but once I drink I can not ever be held responsible for my actions. I'm also the group smart ass!
Gotta love a good game of fisticuffs!!!

we must be distant cousins then, although I'm clown at work

HA! Both the owners at work call me Troublemaker, cuz I am always doing something to amuse myself. Like turning in vacation request forms for Feb 30th. :goggly:
yeah no, so not true.. in Melbourne anyway, there are HEAPS of metal girls.. way too darn many in fact. i have an awesome bf now, but i had been single for years, and even down here it took me nearly a year to meet someone worth wanting to date (who is also the right age! sure i met lots of cute 21 year old guys, but thats just way too young).. mostly any guy half decent, and of a decent age to suit myself, are already in relationships, so that tells me there's too many metal women out there taking them all.. and most of my female metal friends are all single too here, i can list about 8 of them off the top of my head, all beautiful wonderful girls..

Please, feel free to ship 'em off to Brookline.
Did you ever notice that this rap crap is only being heard by teenagers? At least I don't know any grownups that do. Or is that just coincidence?

I am listening to rap music and metal, so if you would call a 19year old a grownup... there are lots of grownups listening to good rap music, but we don´t have to talk about bushido and co.
And I am feeling the same love for my rap cds than for my metal cds.
Funny, I just burned a cd including some songs of Windir, Army Of Pharaos, Carnifex and Dre, bad musical taste for you? I dont give a fuck, I grew up with so many musical influences and I am happy about that. I would never give away these experiences for beeing "metal" or sth. else.

P.S I am open for any good discussion :)