Removing grill from a Mesa cab


djenital moosic
Feb 17, 2006
I know its probably real simple but i cant get the damn thing off, Its a mesa 4x12 oversized cab.
When I took my Marshall Cab apart it was a baffle board with 4 holes cut in for the speakers and the grill cloth was attached to the face of it.

You would probably have to cut the cloth off and say good bye to it as previously mentioned.

But if its just for micing, I mic'd a mesa the other day and could still see the cone through the grill to get a good idea of where to position it.

Otherwise use a flashlight.

If you are wanting it off for some other reason, do what ya gotta do I guess.

On recent production cabs, you have to take the back of the cab. Then unscrew 6 or so screws from the inside of the front baffle. Once you do this you can remove grill cloth frame. Please don't take a knife to your grillcloth. ;)

Really, though. I see no reason to do this. Mesa grillcloth is plenty easy to see through for mic placement and really does not affect the sound much if at all. Plus you lose the protection to the speakers.
yes you can remove it on recent production cabs (personally i keep em), but dont forget if you do; screw them back tightly and properly or else you gonna start wonderin what happened to your tone!
Ok, mine wasn't screwed but used valcro like Jeff said. It wasn't excatly easy to remove it though. There must have been some glue on there aswell. But after a few minutes I got it off.
Damn, Mesa is well crafted!
The velcro just has a really strong grip. It's a lot harder to get the grill off than most would expect considering it's just velcro.
I once took the grill from the cab, it was screwed from the inside.
I decided to put the grill back on because of possible hazard of ripping a speaker with a mic (almost happened to me) and because the grill gives a good reference of distance from the mic to the speaker.
And to be honest didn't find any big difference in sound between grill on and off.