Report card on the first half of 2005


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Evoken - The Antithesis of Light
I've never really been blown away by these guys, but I'm staying with them in hopes of "getting" their albums later on. This new has a couple of good tunes, but overall it really does nothing for me.
Grade: D

Mourning Beloveth - A Murderous Circus
I still prefer Dust out of their releases, but I like this one more than A Sullen Sulcus. The vocals are great. It's a shame people are still stuck on My Whining Bride. These guys surpassed them long ago.
Grade: B-

Wreck of the Hesperus - Eulogy for the Sewer Dwellers
Sludgy doom done masterfully. Existing somewhere on the fringes of the Scald sound, this is anti-music. This is their first release (not considered a demo), and with only three songs (28 minutes) they have managed to unleash the best doom release of 2005.
Grade: B+

Grand Magus - Wolf's Return
Yes, this band can probably be considered traditional doom now with Wolf's Return, but I prefer to remember them based on the debut. This album is now my disappointment of the year. Why oh why abandon their near-perfect sound? Just goes to show, sometimes "evolving" is a bad thing.
Grade: C-

Pelican - March into the Sea
Best EP of the year so far. The long version of the title track is beatiful and doesn't stray too far from the masterpiece Australasia. And I might be committing sacrilege here, but I actually prefer the Broadrick remix of "Angel Tears" over the original. I eagerly await their next offering.
Grade: A

Spiritual Beggars - Demons
Lovin' it. This is what Grand Magus should have released. At least JB still knows how to fuckin' rock. Honing their sound after JB's debut with the band on On Fire, Demons takes that sound to a new level. Quit Grand Magus and focus on Spiritual Beggars, JB.
Grade: B+

Jesu - Jesu
This took me by surprise. JK Godflesh Broadrick doing ambient drone doom. After hearing all the praise, I thought why not. I love this album now. This album easly surpasses anything Godflesh released post-Streetcleaner. And with "Sun Day", Jesu can claim the best song of the year far. All hail the new Flesh.
Grade: A-

Life of Agony - Broken Valley
Released 7 years later, LOA seems to have gotten their mushy, softy kinks out with Soul Searching Sun. Sounding more along the lines of the underappreciated Ugly from '96, Broken Valley sees the original line-up with a new lease on life. While I won't go so far as to say it surpasses River Runs Red or Ugly, it's just nice to see one of the old guard kicking ass again.
Grade: C+

Dark Tranquillity - Character
I dunno. Would anyone really miss this band if they retired? They've released some classics, but they seem to be treading water these days. This is no doubt a step up from Damage Done, but it offers nothing new from a band stuck in a rut. It seems this band gets praised when they release an album, but then they are quickly forgotten.
Grade: D+

Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked
With Black Seeds of Vengeance and In Their Darkened Shrines, Nile perfected ther sound. Now they are stuck with the task of pushing even further. With the new one, they failed, I am sorry to say. It's not bad at all, it simply fails to beat its two predecessors, and will not be un-shelved when I want some Egyptian death metal.
Grade: C+

Rudra - Brahmavidya: Primordial I
Out of the land of Kali Ma comes Rudra's fourth album. Much more brutal than previous releases, and with the addition of a silk-voiced female, Rudra claims title to the best death metal release of the first half of 2005. Unfortunately, people will stick with the same ol' same ol' Nile.
Grade: A-

Moonsorrow - Verisakeet
This was my disappointment of the year until I heard the new album from the once-mighty Grand Magus. Surprisingly, this has gotten better with time. But not much. I still long for the days of Suden Uni and Voimasta. But some bands release their magnum opus early in their career. Such is life.
Grade: C-

Woodtemple - Hidden in Eternal Shadow
Two songs. 30 minutes of Graveland inspired pillaging. This is actually Aramath's best material. I was disappointed with his second album, but enjoyed the debut. With this new one, the songs remain interesting the entire length, and somewhat manages to escape the gargantuan shadow of Graveland.
Grade: B-

Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
I am not as blown away by this album as some. It is a step in the right direction after the somewhat pedestrian Storm Before Calm, but does not manage to remove Spirit the Earth Aflame as the Primordial to own. I cannot deny that some of the songs are among Primoridal's best.
Grade: B+

Drudkh - The Swan Road
I'm not really sure what people expected with this release. It seems to have completely alienated the band. Last year, no one could stop talking about Autumn Aurora. This year, The Swan Road has been forgotten already. The funny thing, it is not far removed from the band's two previous albums. I was one of the few that enjoyed Autumn Aurora, but felt something was missing. While far from a masterpiece, I feel The Swan Road shows a stronger Drudkh. However, the last track of the Ukrainian folk song is dreadful.
Grade: B-

Hate Forest - Sorrow
I would have loved Battlefields Part Deux. Unfortunately, Hate Forest returned to the sounds of Purity and Scythia. Not bad at all, in fact it's pretty good if you take it for what it is. It's just not what I wanted.
Grade: C+

Negura Bunget - Inarborat Kosmos
A weird one. But a good one. This is the one release I really haven't spent as much time as I should with. I love the beginning of the first track, and I thought their previous full-length was very strong. If this mCD is an indicator of things to come, things look good.
Grade: B

Nachtfalke - As the Wolves Died
Simply more Bathory-inspired epic viking black metal. All three previous releases have been of high quality, so there's no reason to think this one will be different, right? Correct. Occulta Mors delivers more of the same, and "Wrath of Old Gods" is one of his best songs. Nachtfalke is like that one horny slut whose not necessarily the best looking in the lot, but she knows what makes you happy.
Grade: B-

Nokturnal Mortum - Mirovozzrenie (Weltanschauung)
Album of the year so far, hands down. This is the natural progression begun on NeChrist. I'm not really sure why fans dislike it. I constantly see comparisons to Graveland, of all bands. Being a Graveland fanboy, I must say, these "fans" are dipshits. This album sounds nothing like Graveland. "Hailed Be the Heroes" is one of the best songs of the year. Any fan of The Taste of Victory would be a fool not to pick this up, and any fan of Nokturnal Mortum would be a fool not to like this. This is vintage Nokturnal Mortum.
Grade: A+
Queens of the Stone Age and The Mars Volta are stomping all over this year, even with lots of good shit so far.
i REALLY need to hear more of the Nokturnal Mortum, Queens of the Stone Age, Drudkh, and all the "-core" or whatever bands that people praise hereabouts. So far, Slough Feg and Primordial top the year for me, but Taake is up there, just doesn't feel like the time of year for it. I'm not sure if the new Nightingale 10 year anniversary album counts as a new full-length or not, since it's 9 re-recorded songs and one new song, but I love it. Not the kind of thing you RC people go for, but oh well. I guess it's my "softer side" or something.
J. said:
I probably need to hear the QOTSA. But Mars Volta blows worse than a retarded whore.

eh.... apparently youve never been with a retarded whore. mmm mmm good.
GTA: San Andreas
Frustrating as snot. Far too much use of the words "my pals" and "fo sho".
Overall, tons of fun if you can not go insane from the anyone rapper talk. Crank up the death metal and go for a joyride!! :kickass:
Grade: B+
^Main reason I waited for the PC version was to have my own soundtrack, instead of the shitty default radio. Still very disapointed about the gangsta theme, Tommy Vercetti was THE MAN. Aside from that, fuckin' great game.
Top 5 at the moment , no order :

The Mars Volta
- Frances the Mute
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn
Pantheïst - Amartia
Dredg - Catch Without Arms
Pelican - The Fire in Our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw

Unrankable yet : Bohren & der Club of Gore - Geisterfaust.

Song of the year so far :
Pelican - March into the Sea

2005 won't be empty of outsiders I say..
I agree that the NM album is probably the best of the year so far. Though now that I've got the new Countess in my grubby little hands, that may change. I also need to get that Woodtemple EP.

Oh, and your scores for Evoken and Mourning Beloveth are mixed up.
Rudra is really starting to grow on me. The more I listen the more I like.
meh, the Evoken is just boring, save for one song, can't remember which one. I just haven't been in a doom mood lately.
the two best albums of the year so far (and I would be suprised if they were surpassed as both those bands are my top 1 and 2 fav bands ever):

1. Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung
2. Reverend Bizarre - Crush the Insects

Can't wait for the Revbiz album to be released, I will order it the same day probably. :p
EDIT: ofcourse I mean my local distro to take it in as it is already released.
you're kidding me, right? I liked March into the Sea, so we'll see.

goddamn quality bands going post rock. post rock=dick in the butt

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