Respect for Opeth, and their Fans

well... I understand your opinions but why are you flaming each other? I thought this is a community where people share their tastes of music instead of throwing shit onto each other ...

just my 2 cents.
Originally posted by Bleakest Harvest
Ah but you should have seen the buzz on the chatroom in the hub when it was leaked, everyone was retelling their favourite bits from each song (eg "10.00 into 'deliverance' is amazing" and the like). It was so good, so enjoyable, and Moonlapse i'm sure you'll agree with me here, it was a truly great experience just hearing everyone elses thoughts on the album etc.

Ah the memories...


And no, it wouldn't have been the same after November 4th when only Europeans could discuss their experiences, and Americans still waiting for a week. Possibly this would have made some people even more mad.
Originally posted by Brooks
I'm not NOT downloading it because of Mikael, I'm not downloading it because its been so long since I've awaited a release date and experienced the amazing feeling of payoff when the record comes out and you finally get it in your grubby hands. Because of the internet, the sensation of anticipation has been almost completely eliminated.

Downloading mp3s just isn't the same. It's like listening to a CD and listening to an LP. Its not describable.


Downloading it now just seems... childish to me. Like a child who can't wait for Christmas to get his new toys so he raids mom and dads closet to play with them early. "I'd get them anyways, so what does it matter if I play with it a little earlier?"

Have a sense of patience. The longer you anticipate the album, the sweeter it will be when you actually listen to it (unless the album sucks, heh). I'm all for filesharing, it's helped me get into lots of bands that I normally wouldn't have, and it's saved me from buying CD's of bands that I've found I don't like. But this is something I'm not supportive of. Just wait for the album, jeez.
Mikael does care about people downloading the album before it's out. Which you would know if YOU had paid attention to his previous interviews (read the 3rd Opeth interview on You put "Respect for Opeth" in the topic and then proceed to tell everyone to download the leaked rip of the album right now. Way to go!

And I do think it's disrespectful to download the album and then brag about it on the official forum. If you're really so impatient that you can't wait to buy it in the stores like normal people then atleast be quiet about it.

Buying the actual CD and having the booklet and everything when you first listen is part of the experience. How that matches up to downloading some mp3s from Kazaa is something I'll never understand I guess.
For those of you too lazy to look for it:

"Something that came up recently, and with other bands I really don’t care as much because they’re other bands, but suddenly when this happened with you, I started getting a little bit more peeved about it. The subject of the album being out ahead of time on MP3.

Oh yeah.

It became a little mini-controversy when that thing first came out last week. If I can get your official viewpoint on the matter.

Well.. I don’t like it. At all, actually. I got no problems with Napster and shit like that, that they have our old albums up there, but putting up Blackwater Park like a month or more before it’s released it feels like they’re bootlegging it. And, obviously people are going to download it, you can’t do anything about it. And my worries are that they’re going to be, like when the album comes out officially, they’re going to be tired of the album and they want to buy something else so they won’t buy the album if you know what I mean. But it’s very hard to say, it’s not been proven to us yet if it’s bad for us or if it’s good for us. I still trust that people still want to have the real thing in their hands, the real album with the real artwork and lyrics and shit, but there is also webpages you can download entire artwork. So it concerns me. We’re such a small band that we kind of depend on those royalty checks to come in. Otherwise we can’t do this anymore. But it’s very hard to say if it’s going to affect in a good or bad way. But it feels like with Blackwater Park being out there a month before it’s released, it feels... it sucks. Because I want to keep the secrecy. For me personally, if I’m a big fan of a band I kind of savor the moment until I finally find a copy in the store. I kind of have the release day fucking go out to the record store and find the album, that’s part of the whole. Just sitting there downloading an album by chance it doesn’t feel like, it doesn’t feel real. I never in my entire life downloaded an MP3. It might be because my computer is too slow, but still I kind of value the search as part of the entire feeling of having a new album in your hands. I will be very, very disappointed if our fans download it and don’t go out and buy the album. It would be a hard blow for me.

Well what I did is.. I put this total over-reactionary editorial up on my website, you know as far as that goes, but my more rational feelings are that, as having experienced getting the promos ahead of time, when I get the cardboard slipcase things. When it comes for me to actually go out and buy the CD, if I already have this slip case it’s kind of… I think of what I could buy, and I think, well.. I already sort of have this.

Of course, yeah.

And so I would want to buy something new that I haven’t heard at all, and I’m wondering if that same mentality is going to happen with the people who have that whole album sitting on their hard drive. I have full faith that the real fans that have liked you for a while are going to go out and buy that, but I know that first week sales are an important thing within the industry, and if they have it sitting on the hard drive they’re not necessarily going to rush out and get it.

No, that’s what I mean. But there’s nothing you can do about it, and it pisses me off really. You feel kind of desecrated if you know what I mean. Because right now, it’s OUR record. It’s our record and nobody else’s right now. When it comes out it’s like a gift to the fans if you know what I mean. But they’ve taken things for granted and just downloaded it for themselves where they fucking cheat of having it, and it kind of gets me really angry actually. Disappointed. Then again, if I was a big fan and I knew that an album was out before of it’s time, I’m not sure if I wouldn’t have been there listening to it. But it’s so long before the album comes out it might ruin the sales. The sales that we depend on. "
Ya he'd be disappointed if fans downloaded the albums and did NOT buy them in stores. I'd feel the same way if i made this awesome music, but Mike worries too much really. Theres nothing he can do about it if there are promo cds flying around, and i also think that is kinda sad. But, like he described, i would want to hear the music right when i can get my hands on it. Of course i will buy the album - not supporting a band that influences you deeply is just wrong.

It has it's good and bad points. A few years ago, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Downloading music from the internet? Who would have thunk. But alas, it is here, and ever morphing. Downloading MP3's is currently and will in the future reshape the music industry - and yes, there will be fallout.

But, what about those people who download MP3's, listen, love the band that they possibly never heard before, buy some CD's, go to some concerts, buy some t-shirts, etc. Has anybody done a survey and actually figured out the economic impact of all this? I think it will be years before anybody can get their arms around it. Since downloading MP3's is so new - I think there are a lot of people who don't fully understand the economic ramifications of this phenomenon but whine about it anyways. For all we know, the music industry could of been dying a slow death, and this may turn it around.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Since downloading MP3's is so new - I think there are a lot of people who don't fully understand the economic ramifications of this phenomenon but whine about it anyways.
Such as the record companies. A study would be good, atleast so we'd all know one way or the other. Although, the record companies could bite the bullet now and embrace the technology, mould it to their own liking, rather than fighting it. It has great potential, I just think it's a bit broken how it is now.........
I'd rather pay Mikael full price for the album, so that way at least he gets reasonable return for his efforts. Otherwise, you're just paying for the store/website and the record label. From what I've read, bands make most of their money from ticket/merchandise sales. The amount of albums they sell just tells you how often the lable will send them to shows.
Izzy Junior,

I'm glad you posted that interview with Mikael. I remember reading it awhile back. If Mikael doesn't want his fans to download the music before the album comes out, then I'm not going to do it. As corny as it sounds, it's the least I could do for a guy who's music has really touched my soul. Waiting an extra 20 days or so, isn't going to kill me.
Originally posted by KielbasaSausage
because you're too poor for a cable connection?

What, so you feel superior to those of us with 56K modems now?

That's pretty lame. I'd LOVE to get a broadband connection, but NOTHING is offered where I live, and there are no plans to implement anything. So, I'm stuck with 56K.