Rest of the U.S. Satyricon tour cancelled

I like that kind of thing, but I don't like the amusement park rides. People have died on them too and in the mall. Way fun...
Dark One said:
Oh ok, I thought maybe you were in Toronto at first because in response to the post about the girl at the Satyricon show in Toronto you said " isn't me".
It mentioned Canada, so I decided to mention me. As people think Canada is a small country and/or we travel a lot.

I'm adorable and all sorts of cuddly.

Oh, and I saw the pics of those two Satyricon guys. This is so un-PC:

I prefer to keep my virginity until I give it up voluntarily after marriage... although if I was raped and attacked, it'd be preferable if it was those two guys as they're hot. The best of a worst case scenario.
mousewings said:
It mentioned Canada, so I decided to mention me. As people think Canada is a small country and/or we travel a lot.
Small country?? What are those people thinking? I mean, maybe in terms of number of major cities and such, but definitely not in terms of land mass. Sooooo does Deadmonton at least have that frosty Scandanavian dark type of atmosphere that leads to a greater appreciation of all things black metal?

mousewings said:

Oh, and I saw the pics of those two Satyricon guys. This is so un-PC:

I prefer to keep my virginity until I give it up voluntarily after marriage...
Very cool. **Admiration points for mousewings**

mousewings said:
although if I was raped and attacked, it'd be preferable if it was those two guys as they're hot. The best of a worst case scenario.
:lol: That's the spirit, I mean, hey - you may as well make the best of a bad situation. When life clips the mousewings, turn those wings into cheese and give a wiskery little squeaky smile 'n stuff.
We don't have a metal atmosphere here. It's gloomy but most people turn to pop culture, stupidity, or alcohol to get them through it.

I'm a rarity here.

*giggle* @ your comment about me. Hmm... another person respects me. Yay.
Dark One said:
Heh. I was counting the seconds until you chimed in with something like that. It's cool though, all you need to do is post about getting laid again next time so we can all have something lacking in gheyness to read.
I'm working on it. I have two dates this weekend. :cool:
mousewings said:
We don't have a metal atmosphere here. It's gloomy but most people turn to pop culture, stupidity, or alcohol to get them through it.

I'm a rarity here
Unless underground metal stakes claim in the pop culture world, I'll take the last two solutions (which often go hand in hand).

mousewings said:
*giggle* @ your comment about me. Hmm... another person respects me. Yay.
Well, if you truly feel you're going to wait until you are married, then yeah, I definitely respect that.
Yep, I truly feel like waiting until I get married. It won't feel right any other way.

I have a date after New Years. ;) I don't ever kiss and tell though.

I should do something exciting and write about it. Nah, it'd take too much work.
There's quite a few death metal bands around here, but that's about it. I think one "black/war" metal band called Operation Winter Mist which I haven't heard but I assume is ghey because of the name. Into Eternity comes from one province over in Saskatchewan and as a result I've seen them twice, and Devin Townsend and co are from the other province to the left so I've seen DTB and SYL each once. Not bad, but in my personal opinion the scene here lacks variety. (DOOOOOD LETS DO SLAUGHTER OF THE SOUL ONE MORE TIME!!!!!! etc.)

oh, and Axis of Advance are from here as well, but I haven't heard their stuff or seen one of their shows.
Fuck dating! :)

Ion Dissonance is pretty Kickass Canadian Grindcore.
mousewings said:
I prefer to keep my virginity until I give it up voluntarily after marriage... although if I was raped and attacked, it'd be preferable if it was those two guys as they're hot. The best of a worst case scenario.
hahahahahaha this rules.
@Adrian: why does it rule? :eek:

I'm not telling anything about the date(?). I'm not even sure if it counts as one... but I'd like to think so. Maybe the other person involved will tell some. :p