@Adrian: I think it's always been that way in most cultures. Historically, Women are seen as being meek, submissive, and not equal to the men. They were also delicate and had to be kept indoors, and were property of their husband or father. Also, the whole biblical/mythological thing (in some cultures) that women are sinners and creatures of the flesh/responsible for all ills doesn't help much. So, in those times, if women were raped, it meant that she had done something wrong (not be modest enough/too inviting/be without a chaperone) to tempt the man as proper women were dressed appropriately/took care at all costs to ensure their purity. So it was her fault. After thousands of years, N. America has improved a little in this aspect but in some places it still holds true.
I was bad at explaining it even if I have read too many history books.
Bleh, I do feel a little :evil: at times. Not like I'd rush out and grab someone hot; I do have some self control.
But maybe if it was a hot BM guy...
JayKeeley said:
What do you call a black man in a suit?
unless he's uber-rich (aka. Simpson) cause come on, he at least had some part in the slaying....
Oh, and your comment about me is not true. I would not like that unless there was other stimulation along with it for me. And only if the guy was gorgeous.
Dark One said:
Replace "black" with "Native".