Most of my time tracking 6505s/6260s and whatever else is spent with the mid knob between 0 and 1.
Which are currently holding the title guys? I've never been a huge Revalver 3 fan, but with the advent of all these awesome free sims, it's made even less sense. But if one were looking, IS there an edge that Revalver 3 holds?
ermz: tonestacks are passive devices, and doesn't boost anything, only substracting..
Haha, I often find myself turning the LowMids UP .. along with HiMid and treble ..
The internal filtering in the 5150 and the E530 is very different.. the tonestack also..
for a comparison, here is the frequency response of the 5150 and the E530 tonestacks with every knobs at noon:
This is just the response of the tonestacks itself.. the signal going IN the to tonestacks are totally different in those amps, and bad for comparison.. the E530's LowMid control is set very high (around 1000hz).. and I use little different approach in my next sim (X50) for approximating the circuit responses, which I might use for the 2.0 release of X30 which will also include the Clean channel.. (But that update isn't prioritized atm)
I dunno if you're speaking specifically for the e530, but the Peavey XXX and JSX both definitely have active tone stacks, and I believe Rectifiers do as well! (not as certain of that though)
ongel... I just had this weirdest thought... have you tried copying the eq tonestack with waves q-clone?
I dunno if you're speaking specifically for the e530, but the Peavey XXX and JSX both definitely have active tone stacks, and I believe Rectifiers do as well! (not as certain of that though)
revalver3's 5150 amp sim is the best out there right now....until onqel's new release maybe?
To answer your question Ermin: Revalver is available for Mac and also in RTAS format. They're the only real advantages at the moment.
Haha, I often find myself turning the LowMids UP .. along with HiMid and treble ..
The internal filtering in the 5150 and the E530 is very different.. the tonestack also..
for a comparison, here is the frequency response of the 5150 and the E530 tonestacks with every knobs at noon:
This is just the response of the tonestacks itself.. the signal going IN the to tonestacks are totally different in those amps, and bad for comparison.. the E530's LowMid control is set very high (around 1000hz).. and I use little different approach in my next sim (X50) for approximating the circuit responses, which I might use for the 2.0 release of X30 which will also include the Clean channel.. (But that update isn't prioritized atm)