Revalver IV coming 19th August

No Orange? I think the Amplitube Orange Amps sound very good

My recollection was that the Amplitube Orange pack was pretty old (2-3 years?) but I might be wrong. Not that that makes it bad, but all things being equal I'd prefer to get a newer version. And I think Amplitube makes you pay for the base package, doesn't it?

edit: guess not, but individual amps are still around the $15-$30 range, which is way more expensive than this.
RE **NEW** RIR 2 Cabinet Module plus 21 included cabs and all mics (over 650 combinations)

Is it still straight forward IR loading, or they doing something more? I can't find any information on the website about it.

So... We have RIR2 which is impulse response based but has this, let's say "special interaction" with the R4 amps and the old RIR module which works pretty much as an ordinary IR loader, like it did in III.V. The cabinet library for RIR2 is ALL new, specially recorded for this edition of ReValver. There are some cabs that sound specially great and some that are unique to ReValver 4.
Someone asked if they will have to purchase the program to use it, or to purchase the whole Producer Pack to use only one module. No. ReValver 4 is basicly free and you can add the modules you want later, one by one, if that's what you want. Download, demo and if you want, purchase that module or cab library. The Producer Pack is interesting because you get a great number of content for a much lower value than you would pay if you were to purchase each one separately. Probably, more packs will come in the near future. In fact, much more content will come. This is just the beggining.
So... We have RIR2 which is impulse response based but has this, let's say "special interaction" with the R4 amps and the old RIR module which works pretty much as an ordinary IR loader, like it did in III.V. The cabinet library for RIR2 is ALL new, specially recorded for this edition of ReValver. There are some cabs that sound specially great and some that are unique to ReValver 4.

Nah man, you'll have to give more information than "special interaction", this isn't a Line 6 forum.
Nah man, you'll have to give more information than "special interaction", this isn't a Line 6 forum.

Edit: Ok, so, on a brief explanation what changed in the new RIR2 module is that we recorded the frequency dependent impedance of the cabs which interact with the poweramp. This gives RIR2 a drastically more dynamic low end, and a smoother high end. That is the why we had to record a whole new library of cabs, to capture this extra information.
Sounds nice to me. 10000000000 times better than amplitube.
Now the web Works but only III.V available at the moment :(
Downloading, let's check it out:D

First quick impression is that RIR2 sounds fucking great, better than my shitty collection of impulses
Maybe it's just early version bugs, but I downloaded this and tried using it in 64-bit Reaper on Mac OSX...totally broken. Buttons won't work, other ones will light up but the GUI is off-kilter so I click and nothing happens, controls on the included amps and pedals seem to be doing nothing...bleh. I guess it's because it refuses to let me click on the pedal/amp/effects block A; only B works, but if I click out of the plugin and come back it has me in A, which then lets me put an amp and cab in, but I still can't click on the pedal block.
Righto, I'll put it through it's paces tonight and try post a stereo mix with it.

The youtube video above is impressive.
Did anyone a mix with it? Would be cool to hear some difference mixes. Is the low end better than other amp simulation? Sorry, I will try it out by myself as soon as I can ^^
I picked it up. I dont really need another amp sim but for $99 with that much functionality its a no brainer even if it rarely gets used. I will try to post some clips tomorrow.
Uhh...I've been playing around with it for the last two hours, finding it hard to get a tone that I like. It's probably in there, I feel like I'm in Guitar Rig again with all the different options, switches and falling down the rabbit hole of tweak mania.

I don't hear anything that the RIR 2 cab modelling is doing special compared to S-Gear, and this was the one factor I was most interested in. In fact, I can get a tone much quicker in S-Gear, and a large part of that is less options.

If you're in to balls to the wall high gain, then this might be for you, but not me.


Overall, good job Peavey, but not enough for me to part with $99.
Uhh...I've been playing around with it for the last two hours, finding it hard to get a tone that I like. It's probably in there, I feel like I'm in Guitar Rig again with all the different options, switches and falling down the rabbit hole of tweak mania.

I don't hear anything that the RIR 2 cab modelling is doing special compared to S-Gear, and this was the one factor I was most interested in. In fact, I can get a tone much quicker in S-Gear, and a large part of that is less options.

If you're in to balls to the wall high gain, then this might be for you, but not me.


Overall, good job Peavey, but not enough for me to part with $99.

Your revalver file seems to be a little bit dry ;)

Edit: solved :)