Revalver IV coming 19th August

Hi Jose, thanks for posting the changes. I looked on the Amp Store pages yesterday for a change log and could not find it. Is there a place on the Store that shows it or somewhere within ReValver 4?

Scott Cortese
It was available at the forum. After a suggestion, we will make the information available at the site as well.
I just now read a response in my post on their support forum about that. It operates as a real amp, so you have to use an instance on each guitar track (1 left/1 right double tracked, 4 on each for quad tracked etc). I'm going to ask them what's the point of the stereo option when you right click on a module.

I hope this isn't right. Can anyone confirm please? :Smug:
pedal "greener" -> tweak schematic -> exchange op amp (look for a triangular symbol) => modded greener
It was available at the forum. After a suggestion, we will make the information available at the site as well.

Thank you Jose! I see it's been added under "change log" on the Amp Store site now. :)

Hello gentlemen
Just writing to let you know that we have released new content today!
Cab: Docs Best
Cab: ACM800
ACT: Acoustic SJ-200
ACT: Brother of Steel
You can find them in their respective sections of the Amp Store.