Revolver Magazine: 50 Heaviest Bands

You guys need to be realistic.

It's revolver magazine for fucks sake, they're not gonna stray too far from mainstream.
Waah, where's Deicide?
Well nobody gives a shit about Deicide, and that's Deicide's fault. We're lucky they even had bands like Saint Vitus and Swans on there.

Not only that, but they probably gave some definition of what they considered heavy, and they probably made it clear that it wasn't just screaming, distorted guitars, it's about much more than that, and time also plays a factor as well. And IMPACT as well. Also, many bands can be heavy, but not metal, in my opinion.

Some of you people get mad like you expect these lists to be good, and I'm amazed that you guys aren't more enlightened to the media.

But there are some genuine weirdosities on this list, I'll agree.
Led Zeppelin is not overly heavy. Not #3 heavy. #3 was just a respect thing, because everybody's gotta suck Zeppelin's dick. If they had to put Zep in the top 50 I think they should be no higher than 35.
Metallica high on the list and NO Megadeth, that's a littly ballsy.

But eh, other than that I see pretty much what I'd expect from a Revolver Magazine top 50. They gotta please as many readers as they can. And guess what, most of you guys aren't their audience.
you mean revovler magazine doesnt aim towards us? right... next thing you know, your gonna be telling us that santa's not real, and wrestling is fake.
NinjaKitten said:
did someone pull that list right out of their ass or something? I could see that as being the top 50 most influential, or perhaps even heavy for their time, but Im sorry, (and I love sabbath) Sabbath is currently nowhere near being the heaviest band out there.

yep, agreed
Tempest said:
you mean revovler magazine doesnt aim towards us? right... next thing you know, your gonna be telling us that santa's not real, and wrestling is fake.

well then what was that "wrestling" with "santa" that I did as a wee boy late one christmas night? huh? ...
metalkingdom said:
You know, comments like these really chap my hide (that's cowboy speak for "shit like that pisses me off"). Your opinion is a very young one, although when I was a kid, me and all of my metalhead friends thought Sabbath ruled. And I grew up in the heyday of Metallica and Slayer - two of metals greatest bands who will tell you how much Sabbath meant to them.

First of all, you have to look at time and place and context when considering the musical exploits of the older bands. Sabbath was IMMENSELY heavy for the late 60's/early 70's, and there was nothing that even came close. I don't even think that the term "Devil Music" was even used until they came along and scared the living shit out of EVERYBODY. Second, what do you really know about music? Whenever people say things like, "They are very overrated", there must be some sort of qualification for you to be able to make such a statement other than the fact that you just don't like it. What it usually means is "Everybody else gets it, but I don't".

i hear ya. everyone needs to look at bands for their time. the 'second' part i tell to people all the time. watch in like 20 years when we are in our late 30s/mid 40s (depending on who you talk with on the board) our children will be blasting some crazy grindcore/gore/black metal that has so much screaming and notes in a second that we can't really understand it. we'll show them some old man's child or bathory or emporer and they'll be like, "that sux! the band can't play 100 notes in a second"

i think people should have more respect for bands even if they don't like them.
metalskater7 said:
Isn't Sound Garden like Matchbox 20 or something?

Not at all. Im actually a huge sound garden fan, theyre just not the 2nd heaviest band there is, thats for sure. Try downloading a song from them called "big dumb sex" its both catchy and hilarious.
If you wanna check out some really good heavy stuff in the vein of Soundgarden, but a bit more metal, check out Non-Fiction's "In The Know". Truly one of the heaviest records ever made.

Another great heavy band record to check out - The Obsessed (the former St.Vitus, which was named on this "list"). The guitarist/vocalist is Wino, who is a true rock 'n roll monster.
neonblak said:
Yeah, I know. Where is Michael Bolton, Bryan Adams or Kenny Logins? WTF.

Actually, I'm gonna go drop a Kenny Logins right now.


*plays song at the beginning of Caddyshack*