Rhapsody news

May 9, 2003
I just found out today that because of some copyright issues the band Rhapsody lost their name. They are now calling themselves Rhapsody of Fire, which I think sounds kinda bland. I was also wondering who else has heard this news and if anyone may know the "issue" that los them their name. I mean they have only been around like 10 or more years now and they suddenly don't have the rights to the name?
I've found the following message on their official website http://www.rhapsodyoffire.com/

Due to copyright and trademark issues the band formerly known as Rhapsody has changed its name. The band members consider this a great new start, reflecting the emboldened and increasingly grandiose direction that their music has taken. “The power of the dragonflame will burn brighter than ever before,” says guitarist/songwriter Luca Turilli. Keyboardist/songwriter Alex Staropoli adds, “The name Rhapsody Of Fire better represents the energy that has always been present in this band and its music.”

With a new record company in Magic Circle Music, a new tour planned and a new album on the way, Rhapsody Of Fire will continue to explore musical fantasy worlds with the precision musicianship and unique symphonic concepts that their fans have come to expect and adore. Fresh on the heels of the band’s first live album release, Live In Canada 2005 - The Dark Secret, a new name and renewed vigor ensure that Rhapsody Of Fire still hold the passion and power that have always been associated with their music.
I bet the Rhapsody music service paid them big bucks to hand over the copyright..the band has been Rhapsody for enough years that they'd be the ones with the upper hand in any copyright argument, it's a bit late now for anyone to be coming around saying 'oh yeah, we were Rhapsody first'.
Thats exactly what happened.

But Rhapsody of Fire sounds kinda UltraPower Metal. Even for them. I really don't like the ring of "Rhapsody of Fire". It soundslike too much to say. They should've just renamed themselves Eternal Dragongod or something like that.
Wha..?! This is a joke, right?

Rhapsody was a cool name. Rhapsody of Fire sounds horrible. And I bet Rhapsody the band was around long before Rhapsody the music provider.
There seems to be a slight line between good power metal and gayness...
their name already crossed the line :erk:
Jax said:
I bet the Rhapsody music service paid them big bucks to hand over the copyright..the band has been Rhapsody for enough years that they'd be the ones with the upper hand in any copyright argument, it's a bit late now for anyone to be coming around saying 'oh yeah, we were Rhapsody first'.

I thought about that music company called Rhapsody and though that they are pretty new and that there is no way they would get the rights to the name. But you make a valid point about them probably offering the band a lot of money for the copyrights to the name, plus they probably were wanting to rename their band anyway so it worked out even better for them.
My $0.02...

Rhapsody (the band) never trademarked their name so, whenever Rhapsody II came along and registered their trademark, they could legally tell the band that they were infringing on Rhapsody II's trademark. The band could tell Rhapsody II to go to hell, but even though they'd probably win, Rhapsody II would appeal ad infinitum since they have tons of cash and lawyers to throw at the courts. The band (well, their label) can't afford to go up against them so it's easier to change their name.

It might be Real (Listen.com), but there's a number of other "Rhapsody"s out there.
But we're talking about Rhapsody. Rhapsody is essentially just Dragonforce, except GOOD.
I was making a joke. The only thing wrong with Dragonforce is that they're repetitive.