Rome: Total War

Cool even tho we have see it before but one thing I noticed is that the unit size isn't very large.
There were nothing more than 40 guys/unit and that is good news for us with crappy video cards.
In the options menu (like in MTW) you can have the option of selcting what size each unit will be. This is my estimate of what they will be: Small is 40 men, default is 60 men, Normal is 80 men, large is 100-120 men, and huge is either 120 men and up (maybe even up to 400 men per unit!)

You're right though. All of the battles are old, but they are of different viewpoints on the battlefield. The campaign is totally new which is really cool. I love the looks of the Statue of Zeus. Did you notice the building options!?:OMG:That is nuts how many building options there were. I love this game!
hhhmm it seems like the problem isn't gone in Medieval but I made it more stabile.
I can play longer now.
And I have turned down unit size to default which kinda sucks because I love big armies but 100 guys still looks ok.
Well that is sort of good news. CTD's are a huge problem in the Total War series. It's a bug they've never patched or fixed. Maybe the bug is unfixable or it's beyond their limits to fix it. Weird. I had a CTD problem with Shogun. Whenever the Portugese merchant ships would arrive, it would always crash to the desktop right after. It pissed the ever living hell out me. Especially the times where you forget to save the game for a long time.
I really hate this point, where they've shown how amazing the game is but there's still months till it comes out :(
Darkness Eternal said:
I really hate this point, where they've shown how amazing the game is but there's still months till it comes out :(
Yeah That is why the should release the demo now so that we can stop drooling over it.
@Theredintheskyisours: well the key word here is autosave.
It has saved me many times.
Yeah, but it only saves once every four turns. I sometimes build an army or save a province in that time.

I don't autosave was available for Shogun: Total War.

Darkness Eternal: Some of us Total War fans have been waiting almost a year and a half for Rome: Total War to come out. It was supposed to be released at the end of 2003, but it was delayed a year.

That was the worst day of my whole summer last year.:tickled:
Want to read something new? released another faction preview. This time it's the Britons. There are several new screenshots too including....drum roll please....

The infamous decapitated head throwers. Yes, it's official. There are such things as head throwers in RTW. Do you want proof!? Here you go:


Also here is the link to the faction preview:

Check out the new screenshots too!
Alright, I making this thread go past 200 posts if it's the last thing I do today. Here's a new RTW trailer from

Here it is: (It's the second one down in the newest trailers column.)

I haven't seen it yet, since my computer is lagging so much right now. I think I have a parasite on there. Welp, I'm off to try and fix the problem.

Edi: Well I just saw it and it's not new at all. It's pretty crappy too, but I am not sure you have seen it.