Rome: Total War

Nice. Hey how old are you TB666?

A lot of Total War fans seem to be in their late 20's to early 40's. But I've also seen 11 year old total war fans and fans the same age as us. I'm only 16 for another month then comes 17.
It's great to see a fellow metalhead who's the same age as I am!

P.S. Here's the official boxart of RTW (I am almost 100% sure that this is it.)

I'm 20 and with no training.
I'm just a warfreak.
I love watching the shows on the Discovery channel about battle and it is there I get most of my knowledge about this stuff.
Of course I have never put this knowledge against a human but I have no problem kicking the computer's ass(even if the AI in the Total War series is kinda crappy, it has sometime offered a real fight)
Yeah, the A.I. does have it's problems from time to time. Although I would say that the A.I. get's really difficult when you put the settings on expert. I just hope the computer's x-ray vision will go away in RTW and replace that will true line of sight.

Most of us Total War fans are ironically anti-war and we are not war mongers. I'll agree with TB666 I'll never treat any humans the way I treat them in Medieval: Total War (i.e. When I'm bored I like to send in a couple thousand peasents just see how bloody I can make the battlefield.)
You use peasants ?? :guh:
I only use professional soldiers and nothing more.
If the peasants are gone then who will produce food ??
The X-ray vision was a major suckage indeed but in Time commander it seems like the enemy follow LOS so it is possible that it has been fixed.
I think the "A.I." in Time Commanders was controlled by humans. I am not sure if the true LOS was implimented in RTW.

I never really use Peasents in Campaign mode (Cause they are virtually useless), but I sometimes use them as suicide troops in custom battles. The fun thing to do is in a custom battle in MTW, use a full-force of Longbowmen (with valour, weapon, and armor all at max) against an army or two of pure Peasents. Make sure to turn morale off and watch your Longbowmen absolutley massacre the enemy without losing a single man. Well a few of your men may die once they run out of ammo (unless unlimited ammo is turned on.)

After that you see so many dead bodies on the battlefield! I once had an army made of purely Longbowmen against 7 armies of pure Peasents. I must've killed around 6,000-7,000 troops with only losing 70 guys. It made my New Years Eve complete!
The rest :
Watling Street - Damn, they were almost as bad as those military people that played the huns.
Silarus River - Good fight, good plan and they managed to piss Aryeh off :p
Guagemala - I really like that one. Good plan with the horses.

Hey thered, do you know if it is a new engine or is it an upgraded shogun/medieval engine they are using ??
Totally new 3D engine. It is state of the art technology because nothing like this has been done like this. I mean you're talkin' (on a great computer) ten thousand fully polygonal troops on one screen at the same time with little or no lag. For most computers, it's about 5,000-8,000 with little lag. There's no strategy game that can compare to the Rome: Total War graphics engine. So this is a completly different graphics engine, but then again all of the features you saw in MTW and STW are going to be in there and then some.
What's the specifics on your computer?

I have a Pentium 4 with 2.2 Ghz processor. I have 512 MB of RAM and I have a GeForce4 MX440 Video Card. I hope to upgrade that video card to a Radeon 9600 pro if I really need it to play RTW with no lag. The processor needs a boost to maybe a 2.6 Ghz or a 3.2 Ghz processor.
My former card was also the Geforce4 Mx440 64 MB.
It is not a bad card but you should upgrade it for R:TW.
You are gonna have tough time I think.
I can't wait until the demo is out.
It is very important that I test my computer in battle.
1. check the box.
2. Right-click on desktop>properties(I think, I have it in swedish but it is the option in the
bottom)>settings>Advanced>Then it should say on one of the tabs