Rome: Total War

Oh ok.
I always download before buying and in Medieval case I'm glad that I didn't buy it because I seem to be the only one that has these problems so it seems more like a conflict between my computer and the game and since there is no solution for it then there is no reason for me to buy a game that doesn't work very well with my computer.
I have downloaded the time commander series but can't watch them.
I don't think they are doing a second series of the show. Some of those people were retarded at creating their strategy. Some others were quite clever (The ones like Adrianople and Trebia). I love the historians of the show (especially Aryeh Nusbacher). They are lively compared to historians like Dr. Eugene Weber (he's great for curing insomnia, because he so freakin' boring). I was hoping for a new series.

Top one's for me were the British battles of Mons Graupius and Watling Street were they put the British Light Chariots into action. The strategists of Watling Street were retards. They got their asses wooped by Boudicca's forces. Marathon is pretty good.
Marathon- was funny as hell.
The sailor didn't know shit on what was going on.
Mons Graupius - Tough battle yes but putting that girl in charge was stupid.
Of course I don't think I could have won that battle but I would do a better job then she did.
Cannae - That look edited for some reason but it was a bad planning. Hannibal was a genius so it is hard for simple folk to do what he did.
Raphia - They did a good job there. I knew they would win.
Trebia - Well they butchered the romans very nicely but with that team there was no way they could lose.
Leuctra - wow, I didn't think they could pull it off but they did. Nice to know that they put in "the Sacred band" in the game.
I'm downloading the rest now.
The strategists in Adrianople had a great plan. If I would put any group of people from Time Commanders as the leader of my army, it would have to be them. They simply just made one or two mistakes that effected the outcome of the battle. The strategists in Silarus River had luck behind their win.

And you're right that girl in Mons Graupius was a stupid bitch. Have you noticed that the host of the show makes the strategists feel like total newbies!? He's the Simon Cowell of the show.

P.S. There's a new show coming to the History Channel that also features the Rome: Total War engine. That show is called "Decisive Battles" and it'll air in North America only (unless you have satellite t.v.) beginning on July 16th at 9:00 PM. I can almost gaurantee you that there will be uploads available for the Europeans who miss out on it. 4 Americans over at promised that they will upload the videos onto the Legion Total War website. This also features the revised version of the RTW graphics engine so Cavalry charges will be better, the horse neck and anorexic problem has been fixed, and the units now have different outfits.
Welp, I just got done reading some great news. Apparently the release date for Rome: Total War will be on Spetember 14th, 2004. In the same preview it says that people can now drown in the rivers! The box art is official now too since the game has been completed at last. Woohoo!
Yeah, but they became desperate towards the end when things were going wrong for them. I knew it was the end for them when they decided to send all of their forces into the wagon lager. Have you seen Watling Street yet? You get to see Boudicca in it riding in her Light Chariot. It's hilarious at how stupid the battle plan was.
Theredintheskyisours said:
Yeah, but they became desperate towards the end when things were going wrong for them. I knew it was the end for them when they decided to send all of their forces into the wagon lager. Have you seen Watling Street yet? You get to see Boudicca in it riding in her Light Chariot. It's hilarious at how stupid the battle plan was.
Yeah but sometimes desperate moves can turn the tide of battle.
I have downloaded it but I will watch it tomorrow together with Guagemala and Silarus River
How do you guys know so much about this sorta stuff? Have you had any "formal" education in it or is it purely a hobby?
Oh I'm just a teenager (16) so it's just been a life-long love of mine. I'm not sure if TB666 had some education in it though. Some of the guys over at the forums and the forums are real geniuses. It makes me proud to be a fan of this game because those guys are just completly brilliant. This kid who was only 17, he wrote about a twenty page essay on the romance of the three kingdoms period (the period in China after the fall of the Han Dynasty in the 3rd century a.d.) just for us. It was completly mind boggling that he knew this much as such a young age.

Read this if you have time:

He writes so many of those long posts. True, he has no life, but that's o.k.

I can also thank the creators (Creative Assembly) of the total war seriesfor my extreme love of history since you can really expand your imagination when playing these games. I am almost dieing over Rome: Total War because I've always wanted to be such generals as Vercingetorix, Gaius Julius Caesar, Hannibal Barca, and Queen Boudicca. A love of history does require a bit of an imagination, so once you get past that it's gravy. It's the feeling that you get after your done reading a historical non-fiction novel that keeps me intrigued with history. It's something I really believe to be the closest thing to a drug. It's very hard to explain. Hell though if it means I am a total nerd, then so fuckin' be it!
You're only 16? I would have thought you were much older from the standard of your posts. Nice to see some maturity on the forums :p

*is 16 too*