Rome: Total War

Theredintheskyisours said:
You have that problem too? A few people also had the same problem at Maybe this can be viewable with DIVX player.

I'm wondering why this is because it works quite fine on my Realplayer.
Well anyways, to sum this all up to you it's the trailer for the Battle of Cannae in 216 B.C. It shows a guy (who is from a Sci-Fi channel series) talking about the strategy used by Hannibal Barca. What really amazed me was the sheer number of units that were on that battle field. There must have been 5,000 Romans Legionaires to 2,000 Carthaginians. The Romans were all bunch into a group being outflanked by the Carthaginians. Eventually the Carthaginians surrounded the densly packed Romans and slaughtered them.

The thing I hated about that trailer is that it showed a bunch of Romans hurling their pila. (Each Roman Legionaire carried 2 different Pilums or throwing spears.) However no Carthaginians died, they just caught their footing and charged onwards. In real life at least a few of those Carthaginians would have died given even the fact that they were heavily armoured. It's a sweet trailer though.

I have read about that battle, brilliant move I must say from Hannibal.
Oh no.That really sucks. It's a great video and I wanted you to see it.:erk:
Can you view the website at all though? Or is it just the link?

Anyways if this helps do this manually:

Type in, go to the forums and scroll down till you see a forum called downloads. Click on that button and you'll at the very top of the list that it says Rome: Total War videos. Click on that. Next you'll see a sticky called Italian E3 Video, that's the video I'm talking about so click on that. And if that doesn't work, try to get some help around the forums, because I am really computer illiterate and know virtually nothing about computers. Hope that works for ya.:Spin:
A couple of them did! However I only saw a couple of them stand up. I geuss that's sort of realistic. Not all of them necassarily die when hit with a catapult. I would believe that the individual soldier would have hit points taken away from it once that happened. Or some kind of penalty would be put into effect for those who stood back up from getting hit with a catapult. The vast majority of the people died though.
Well, I don't really think they are hitpoints, but I do believe they are something along the lines of hitpoints. I think these are in all other Total War games. There are several invisible calculations going on as you are fighting the battle.

About those elephants: The Carthage faction gets multiple kinds of elephants. My geuss to what type of elephants you can choose from is Cataphract (Heavliy Armoured) Elephants, Elephants with those wooden boxes on the top, and the Light (Asian imported?) smaller-sized Elephant. They probably will cost a lot to create and for upkeep. Elephants do need a lot to eat and a lot to drink after all. I can't wait to be the Gauls and try out those screaming women that CA is boasting about.
I must say that after watching those vids that the system specs can't be true.
The game looks to damn good for those specs.
Just look at those models, every soldier move different than the guy next to him.
That is gonna take alot of memory from the computer.
I bet that if you can run 5,000 men fine with no lag in MTW, you can run 3,000-4,000 men fine with RTW. I don't think those system specs. are true either now that they implimented the new Rome: Total War graphics engine (the revised version differs from what they were using for RTW a year ago.) The system specs shouldn't be nearly as bad as some other games (example: Joint Operations).

However if worse comes worse and my system starts to lag pretty bad, I'll buy a new video card and maybe upgrade my processor from a 2.2 Ghz one to maybe a 2.6 Ghz or higher.
Well, 4 months is an educated geuss from However dozens of magazines say Rome: Total War will be out in America in September. For most of Europe it'll be December. My geuss is that Rome: Total War will be out anywhere from September 8th to October 21st. I feel sorry for you TB666 since you live in Sweden and may have to wait longer.:erk: I just have to find a job sometime before then since I'm broke as a mother fucker and when you have no job, there ain't no money rolling in. But I am a yougin' (16 years old) so I don't need no job as of yet.

P.S. You can always get the American version of Rome: Total War when it comes out over here! Shipping it may be a bit expensive though.
That may be the source of your CTD problem. I did indeed have some problems with CTD's when I bought both MTW and STW however they ceased as I played the game a few times more. When RTW, my suggestion is to buy the game because if you download it, it can be quite dangerous to your computer. The file you download may have a virus hidden in it. Also you may accidently download a game hat doesn't have all the files for it. You probably won't be able to play the multiplayer part of it either since it requires a CD key. However if you truly can't wait until the game comes out, download the American version of RTW and when it comes out in Sweden, buy it. Either that or just download the demo (which should be released at any moment right about now) until the game comes out.

P.S. Have you seen any videos of Time Commanders that was on the BBC 2 channel last year? It features the RTW old graphics engine, and the show features a truly brilliant historian (Aryeh Nusbacher). If you don't know what I am talking about here's a link (it's at the bottom of this reply) to the downloads of the videos. They are approxmately 45 minutes to an hour long and they are commercial free. The problem is it features the old RTW graphics engine and not the new one. The old one has horses with abnormally long necks and they look anorexic. Also the cavalry charges are pretty bad since hey stop when the first clash with the enemy. Also the newer version of the RTW has reworked cavalry charges, normal looking cavalry, and reworked units (they look quite different from those seen in Time Commanders). Also as you've seen in that Italian RTW video that was 12 minutes long, each soldier now has several different animations and they do not look robotic anymore. Anyway enough with blabbering on, here's the link:

You'll have to register to watch the videos though. Registration is extremly easy. Here's the link: