"Rough" Material Petition!

Thorns On My Grave

I Am Vengeance
Mar 20, 2006
Alameda, California
Allright, calling all Pyrawarriors who want to hear the Matt demos, no matter how very, very rough they are! I'd love to hear Pyramaze w/ Urban in the live setting, but still, none of us got to hear Matt sing any of the first two albums, and that is a crime, not to mention Urban will be on the next album.

Come on Michael, cough it up to your loyal fanbase :grin: :hotjump: :grin:

If you Jonah can release a techno version of SIP, we should get to hear these too!

Seriously, I would pay to hear some rough demos, even played out of tune...but I don't think its gonna happen.

Not to put a damper on your petition (THORNS), but saying "that its a crime" we won't hear anything is a stretch.
Obviously its rough and not something Mike wants to put out. Also, Matt of course had no part in the first-2 albums...didn't perform live with the band...and is no longer in the band. Hearing Matt and the band perform superbly on Immortal was a true gift...if thats all we get, then it'll do.

Seriously, I would pay to hear some rough demos, even played out of tune...but I don't think its gonna happen.

Not to put a damper on your petition (THORNS), but saying "that its a crime" we won't hear anything is a stretch.
Obviously its rough and not something Mike wants to put out. Also, Matt of course had no part in the first-2 albums...didn't perform live with the band...and is no longer in the band. Hearing Matt and the band perform superbly on Immortal was a true gift...if thats all we get, then it'll do.

Hah hah... Relax guys its just fandom I really wasn't being serious, didn't mean to make anyone uptight or offended :hotjump: Lock, delete, whatever works.
Hah hah... Relax guys its just fandom I really wasn't being serious, didn't mean to make anyone uptight or offended :hotjump: Lock, delete, whatever works.
Oh, don't worry. I doubt anyone was offended or even upset. Sorry if my post came across like that. I just wanted to make sure... You know, I've seen and heard some nasty things when people with less than good intentions dig out audition tapes... I don't think this could happen here (nothing but good guys in Pyramaze) but then sometimes good people don't think about what those that aren't so kind at heart might do.
No need to do anything to the thread. Keep it open, I mean, it wasn't a bad post to begin with, I understand where you're coming from and well, who knows...
It would be nice to hear them, but I figure that Matt will probably not release them.

In the MOTW forum we fellow minions tried finding all the old Iced Earth/Purgatory stuff as well as Matt's time in Cauldron (FL)

Matt figures that he didn't want to sell them out as like 'hey I'm in Iced Earth check out my demos in Cauldron and think they are awesome because I am awesome' He wants to avoid kiss toilet paper syndrome or something like that.

thats the best analogy ive got. searching for the topic would take a while and I am lazy so sorry that its not a direct quote.

on 1 side thats cool. he doesn't want to be a jerk rockstar. on the other you have ppl like me who love finding demos of stuff and usually let my imagination fill in whatever the demo lacked.
production is never really the best and it shouldn't be. Why spend a crapload of cash to just create audition tapes or some demo's. When an album is made you can have multiple takes and make sure its 'perfect' thats what you and the fans expect from an album.

In the end curiosity gets the better of me. I would love to hear them as much as hearing Pyramaze live w/ Urban during the Volbeat tour.