Royal Carnage 2.0


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage

As you can see, it's not DONE per se, but it works and should be pretty neat. Use Firefox preferably. Most Mozillas and recent Netscapes should work. IE works OK, but is shit so please don't use it. I had to pour some blood and sweat into getting that sorry excuse for a browser to render things OK, and now it does, but...

Opera untested, but I don't see how Opera is relevant anymore so sorry spaffe :D

EDIT: Please report any bugs, typos or oddities. Rendering problems, spelling or formatting problems in the reviews, database failures, whatever.

Of course, hitting <shift> + Refresh might help if you've got the old RC in your browser history...

This is awesome. Finally, a REAL site design. Time to get some new reviews published.
MajestikMøøse said:
I was wondering why there were so little reviews put up in the subforum lately.

Yeah man, we've got a whole bunch of interviews ready to publish as well: Candlemass, Ackercocke, Messhugah, Jon Schaffer, Bloodbath, and a few more.

Plus I'm interviewing Mike Scalzi next Tuesday! :kickass:

Thing is, we just wanted to get this version up first so we could clear our promo review backlog, and the new interview section will be ready a little later.

Baby steps... :)
i like it stimpy ... I like it.

super fast also ... NAD you listening to Pantera ??? WTF? :lol:

Congrats dudes !!!
I like the more streamlined (simpler) look. And as far as IE is concerned . . . why fight it? Nearly everybody uses it. You might as well design everything with IE in mind as the browser it will be used on.
MajestikMøøse said:
Hahahaha "Royal Carnage - It kicks your dick in"
That little message changes every time you go to the site or hit reload. :kickass:
lurch70 said:
NAD you listening to Pantera ??? WTF? :lol:
That was my playlist from right after Dimebag died, it definitely needs an update. :loco: :erk:
I switched to Firefox a long time ago. Even to my company's dismay (it's their laptop), I'll use IE for my internal applications, otherwise Firefox all the way!
Awesome job!

And I've been sitting here for 5 mins straight, hitting refresh to read the little messages at the top. :loco:
Tully - do not be making more spam threads. Use your old ones instead. :loco: I'll even stick one just for you, but please, no more useless drivel you smelly vunt.