Russ at his best....

Inferno!!! I'm so hung up on this tune.

"...thru stormy skies ...of fiiiiiiiiiiiire!"

Not the lyrics. Just when you think he can't get any higher, they take it up at the end. MAN, I love it!
I really like the vocal work on:

Sea of Lies
Through The Looking Glass
The Odyssey (obviously, with a song that long Russell can do anything he feels like doing)

And "He Will Die" from the Genius Rock Opera sounds pretty damn cool!
Rediscovery Pt II
Candlelight Fantasia
The Accolade
Divine Wings (esp the outro)

Most of my fave Sym X songs are when Russ sings in a god like way, that I prefer. I love TO but some of the aggressive vocal songs wouldn't feature amongst my faves.
Well Russell's voice rocks in all the songs... & we all know that.... :p but the thg that got my attention is the "Edge of Forever" album... u can say his voice was double better than some of the songs....!!