Sym X "Best song on each album" thread


heartbeat of the earth
May 26, 2007
Doylestown, PA
what's your favorite song on each album?
i know you've probably seen this same thread a few hundred times, but wanna see anyway. sorry for starting such a "noob thread"

SX- masquerade (better with russ)
DG- Dressed to Kill
DW-Divine wings of tragedy
TiO-Smoke and Mirrors
V- Egypt
Od- The Odyssey
PL- Walls of Babylon
Cool thread. May have been done before, but it sparks good discussions. And it gets WAY tougher to choose as you get to the later albums. I almost have to pick 3 - 5 for Divine Wings, Twilight, and V. Also, after looking at my picks, it's easy to see that I prefer the more verse-chorus, simple kind of songs.

SX - Masquerade. But it's close.
Damnation - The Damnation Game.
Divine Wings - Sea of Lies.
Twilight - Smoke and Mirrors.
V - Rediscovery pt. II
Odyssey - The Accolade II.
Paradise - Eve of Seduction.
SX - Masquerade
DG - On the edge of forever
DW - Accolade
TIO - Lady of the snow
V - Communion and the Oracle
O - Odyssey
MAN!! i really though we would be at least 5 or six posts in before someon chooses something other than "the odyssey" for that album!!!accolade is a sweet song though.

also didn't see eve of seduction coming so soon.

Divine Wings, V, and PL were the hardest for me. mainly because all of the songs on those albums kick so much ass!
S/T: Shades of Grey (Just kidding!)...Masquerade
Damnation Game: Winter's Dream
Divine Wings: Divine Wings
Twilight: Orion The Hunter
V: Rediscovery Pt. 2
Odyssey: Accolade 2
PL: Walls of Babylon
Orion The Hunter isn't bad, but I think it's still more of a middle-tier song in Symphony X catalogue.

SX -Absinthe And Rue
Damnation Game - The Edge Of Forever
Divine Wings - The Divine wings Of Tragedy
Twilight - Church Of The Machine
V - This is a hard one... Communion And the Oracle... Or Fallen
The Odyssey - The Odyssey
Paradise Lost - Not sure at all, maybe Revelation
There are too many choices for each album therefore I cannot do this. For example there are sometimes two or three ridiculously good songs on some albums. For example on Odyssey you have the Odyssey and The Accolade II. On V, it's basically the whole CD. For Twilight there is both Smoke and Mirrors, and Looking Glass. I just can't make up my mind...
SX - Masquerade
DG - Winter's Dream ( prt I and II )
DW - This one is tough.. a tie between Eyes of Medusa and Accolade
TiO - Through the Looking Glass
V - Egypt
O - Accolade II
Symphony X - Premonition
The damnation game - Whispers
The divine wings of tragedy - The divine wings of tragedy
Twilight in Olympus - Lady of the snow
V: The new mythology suite - Evolution
The odyssey - The odyssey
Paradise lost - Seven
The Haunting
The Eyes of Medusa
Church of the Machine
The Bird-Serpent War/Cataclysm
serpants kiss
This question is quite hard to answer since I only can make conclusions taken my currently favourites into consideration. Therefore, my favourites are (listed in chronological order)

- Masquerade
- The Edge of Forever
- The Divine Wings Of Tragedy
- Through the Looking Glass
- Rediscovery, Pt. 2: The New Mythology
- The Odyssey
- Seven

This list would presumably change over time.
Just want to comment that on some of these albums it is way harder to choose one song than on others....anyway...

S/T- Masquerade
DG- On the Edge of Forever
DWoT- title track (only cause all the other tracks besides Accolade are short and pretty simple)
TiO- Church of the Machine (hard choice here)
V- Fallen
Odyssey- Awakenings
PL- Set the World on Fire (very hard choice.....most melodic imo)

This should have been like choose your favorite ballad and heavy song off of each album really. I tend to like the most well rounded songs which PL doesn't really have any songs like that; therefore, I had the hardest time deciding from that album.