Russ' previous employer

wayne the goblin/robot

Im done with this *****
Dec 30, 2004
I know that Russ Alen used to work at medevil times, but what did he do there?
was he a performer, waiter, or was he a manager?

P.S im guessing performer

also what location was he at?
What years was this? I may have still been living in NJ at the time, and I know I visited MT once...THAT would be weird!
I went there a bunch of times when I was younger, around the time Russ would have been working there. Now I'm always curious as to whether or not I saw him and just didnt know who he was at the time.
haha I went to MT in Jersey once, it reminded me of listening to Rhapsody. I saw some one of the knight dudes without his helmet on and he had a killer mullet.
I went to the one in New Jersey as well. I remember I was seated with the blue side. I also remember getting a HUGE turkey leg and a large chalice of fruit juice. That was an awesome night :D
soundgarden said:
I went to the one in New Jersey as well. I remember I was seated with the blue side. I also remember getting a HUGE turkey leg and a large chalice of fruit juice. That was an awesome night :D

I was in the red section and our knight won. What didn't sit right with me was that they served such large amounts of food in such a short amount of time which made me wonder about their food preparation methods. :err:
I had a blast--but about the food there was also the fact that they wanted us to eat that miniature chicken (yeah, I KNOW it's a Cornish game hen) with no silverware and no napkins. What are you supposed to do, wipe your hands off on your pants? Lick them clean? Cram the whole thing in your mouth? Toss the bones on the floor when you're done and have dogs come eat anything still left on the thing? I'm not sure I needed THAT part of the experience! ;)

Which makes you wonder, like Beez said, if they PREPARE it in an equally "medieval" manner.
Rose Immortal said:
I had a blast--but about the food there was also the fact that they wanted us to eat that miniature chicken (yeah, I KNOW it's a Cornish game hen) with no silverware and no napkins. What are you supposed to do, wipe your hands off on your pants? Lick them clean? Cram the whole thing in your mouth? Toss the bones on the floor when you're done and have dogs come eat anything still left on the thing? I'm not sure I needed THAT part of the experience! ;)

Which makes you wonder, like Beez said, if they PREPARE it in an equally "medieval" manner.

WHAT!?!?! Getting all messy was half the fun :loco: Me and my friends spilled the fruit juice everywhere :heh:
Beelzebub said:
I was in the red section and our knight won. What didn't sit right with me was that they served such large amounts of food in such a short amount of time which made me wonder about their food preparation methods. :err:
"The blue knight rules! The red knight sucks the big one! You're goin' down red knight! Down, down, down. Red knight's goin' down. Down, down, down. Red knight's goin' down."

OK, bonus points if you can tell me who said this and in what movie? I know, it's not that tough, but it's one of my favorite movies by this guy and very pertinent to this conversation.

P.S. I'm sure Russ knows it very well!
soundgarden said:
WHAT!?!?! Getting all messy was half the fun :loco: Me and my friends spilled the fruit juice everywhere :heh:

Rose Immortal said:
I had a blast--but about the food there was also the fact that they wanted us to eat that miniature chicken (yeah, I KNOW it's a Cornish game hen) with no silverware and no napkins. What are you supposed to do, wipe your hands off on your pants? Lick them clean? Cram the whole thing in your mouth? Toss the bones on the floor when you're done and have dogs come eat anything still left on the thing? I'm not sure I needed THAT part of the experience!

Which makes you wonder, like Beez said, if they PREPARE it in an equally "medieval" manner.
Tear the legs off first and then just take it from there. Lick your fingers. When I went they gave us moist towelettes. Eating with your hands is fun. On another note: Where I sat I had a good view of the kitchen. It reminded me of a school cafeteria kitchen, which gives me all the more reason to wonder about how they prepare their food.
LOL, and especially since it was in New Jersey...when I lived there, some friends and I actually did sneak into the school cafeteria and we found GRADE B MEAT. Yes, that's what it said on the package. And I have NO clue what's up with the pizza they serve there, either. It's made of nothing but plastic and oil and we used to have to take tons of napkins to dab it off. And there was always an aftertaste in the spaghetti sauce that one of my friends swore was dishwashing detergent. Oh well, enough reminiscing about old days... ;)

BTW, now that I think about it, I do remember getting one of those little towlettes, but it was nowhere near enough to deal with that!
MT is awsome! much fun.
i once worked a place called king richards faire, when it came to carver M.A. it was just a big mideval fair where all the employes dressed up and acted. my job was to walk around with one of my friends who played guitar, and sing these cheesy little songs, but it was really fun. alot of the guys had to wear those little was hillarious, but a great experience none the less.
I went to a Renaissance fair a few years ago. I had the opportunity to use a bow. After that day i begged my mother to allow me to buy a modern bow. She never agreed. ONce I move out I plan to buy one and take archery lessons
I went to MT once... one of the biggest wastes of money ever. Quite a ripoff for a horrible meal and a boring show. I guess the commercialized RenFest scene just doesn't appeal to me.
scanner313 said:
"The blue knight rules! The red knight sucks the big one! You're goin' down red knight! Down, down, down. Red knight's goin' down. Down, down, down. Red knight's goin' down."

OK, bonus points if you can tell me who said this and in what movie? I know, it's not that tough, but it's one of my favorite movies by this guy and very pertinent to this conversation.

P.S. I'm sure Russ knows it very well!
The only movie I can remember MT in is Cable Guy, so I'll go with Jim Carrey and Cable guy
wdiv said:
I went to MT once... one of the biggest wastes of money ever. Quite a ripoff for a horrible meal and a boring show. I guess the commercialized RenFest scene just doesn't appeal to me.

I probably wouldn't go now on my own, but it was good at the age I was then, and I think I'd enjoy taking my young children, if I had any.
Rose Immortal said:
I probably wouldn't go now on my own, but it was good at the age I was then, and I think I'd enjoy taking my young children, if I had any.

I could see how kids would probably like it... however I was dragged there by my in-laws! There actually weren't that many kids in the audience when I went...
I dunno...maybe I was unusual for getting so excited about historical stuff at that age?

But anyway, our visit was part of a big school field trip. You must not have been there for THAT, or you would've noticed over 100 kids in the audience all in one section. ;)