Russell Speaks About Gigantour


Apr 28, 2004
The Edge Of Forever

SYMPHONY X frontman Russell Allen recently spoke to Classic Rock Revisted about his solo album, "Russell Allen’s Atomic Soul", and SYMPHONY X's participation in this summer's Gigantour, a six-week North American tour co-headlined by MEGADETH and DREAM THEATER. An excerpt from the interview follows:

Classic Rock Revisted: Last month SYMPHONY X was confirmed as being one of the acts on MEGADETH's Gigantour and you guys will be performing on the second stage. I know this probably delays the next album but it was too good of a deal to pass up, wasn't it? Not to mention the added exposure it will give you?

Russell Allen: "Pretty much. I know the fans are going to probably be a little disappointed about the album, but I know they understand this opportunity. If they're really a fan of ours, they'll hope that we do well. We can continue to make music and support our families and everything else [laughing] so regardless of what some of the diehards might feel that maybe we're turning our back on the record, we're not. We're writing now, we're going to write on the bus and we'll get it done by the end of the year. It might not come out at Christmas but it should be out in the first quarter of next year. In our minds, we thought, 'Let's take this opportunity.' I hope it succeeds not just for the band but for (Dave) Mustaine in general, because then everybody wins. It's kind of weird for us on the second stage because there's a lot of death metal, I know the kids are gonna look at me and wonder what I'm going to do, I'm gonna sing for you everybody, an ancient art form."

Classic Rock Revisted: Mike Portnoy from DREAM THEATER was really in your corner to get you guys on board wasn’t he?

Russell Allen: "Yeah, Mike was really cool about it and I hope that sort of diffuses some of the bullshit that we've been going through over the years. I first met Mike at a James LaBrie show and then the next day I heard in the press release that Mike was pushing for us. I met him, we hung out and it was cool. He's just a normal guy. The fans make these guys and us, too, out to be monsters. He's just a dud,e man, like me. They weren't snobby or anything, their fans make them out to be whatever and then they pit us against them a lot and all these comparisons over the years. I sound nothing like James LaBrie, man. I don't think (Jason) Rullo plays like Portnoy at all. Romeo and Petrucci might have some similarities with the hammer stuff, but I don't see the similarity in the drumming, nothing in the singing and not too much in the bass playing either and the keyboards are completely different. We're more of a power progressive metal band and they're more a of a prog rock heavy band, you know what I'm saying? Maybe in the arrangements there are some similarities, whatever. The point is they're the kings of prog and we've been coming up in the ranks so quickly over the years so I guess that's why they started squaring us off against each other. We never had anything against them and they never had anything against us."

Classic Rock Revisted: Maybe once you do a song over 10 minutes, you inevitably get compared to them.

Russell Allen: "Yeah, I mean, it's great if people want to compare us to them, they're like the top of the heap and we're getting compared to them then that's pretty good, most bands would be happy. It was great, Mike came through and it was totally unexpected. That opens the door for us for the future and the real reason we're doing this I think in my gut is, it adds exposure and all that but Mike stuck his neck out for us and got us on this thing and I'm hoping we pick up some new fans like everybody else but I think in the future the DREAM THEATER / SYMPHONY X thing is going to be more of a reality than it ever was and I think that's what a lot of their fans and our fans want to see. It would be awesome, we'd have a blast. I think once you'd see them and us on the same night, you'd see that there’s completely different pictures going on here."

Classic Rock Revisted: How challenging is it going to be choosing which songs to play in just a 30 minute set?

Russell Allen: "That's always been a problem but we do the festivals in Europe and stuff but it's never been a big issue. A festival set is kinda easy because you just want to kick the crap out of everybody. You can't go too artsy and you can't get into really the meat and potatoes of what we do, unfortunately. We can only try to suck them in with some of the heavier stuff, like 'Wicked', 'Inferno' or 'King of Terrors' — that would be it. Since that's the album that we still have out in America ('The Odyssey'), we'll probably do at least three songs off that record. Then we'll probably do 'Of Sins and Shadows', 'The Eyes of Medusa' or 'Sea of Lies' off 'The Divine Wings of Tragedy'. It’s basically a 30-minute blitz."

Read Russell Allen's entire interview with Classic Rock Revisted at this location.
the part where he says he's playing with a bunch of death metal bands, is hilarious because none of the bands are even close to what death metal is. Maybe he's referring to the singing style that resembles just screaming, rather than death growls.

I agree with Russell on how people compare SX to DT. I think SX is a completely different band with the only similarity being that they are both progressive bands. Of course, IMO, I think SX is a lot better than DT.

I can't wait until Gigantour, I just wanna see SX rip apart that entire concert.
Russell Allen said:
It's kind of weird for us on the second stage because there's a lot of death metal, I know the kids are gonna look at me and wonder what I'm going to do, I'm gonna sing for you everybody, an ancient art form

Russell Allen said:
I think in the future the DREAM THEATER / SYMPHONY X thing is going to be more of a reality than it ever was and I think that's what a lot of their fans and our fans want to see.
Hell yes we do :D :D :D
I liked the "ancient art form" comment about singing! Although I DO like some growling with my singing, too, sometimes. ;)

And I hope the DT v. SymX people realize they have just got the SMACKDOWN from Russ. Well done!
Rose Immortal said:
And I hope the DT v. SymX people realize they have just got the SMACKDOWN from Russ. Well done!

And I hope you're not implying that those of us who don't like Dream Theater should now magically like them because Russell does. I don't care what bands Russell likes. I still think the last few DT albums blew horribly and I still think SymX wipe the floor with them.

what he said.

actually no,

I really could give a shit what Russ thinks about DT, especially Mike Portnoy. I've met Mike Portnoy enough to know he's an asshole, and if the last three Dream Theater albums aren't any indication of how highly he thinks for himself, then I don't know what is.
I wasn't suggesting for a second that people should like DT's music. I had their last couple of CDs on ebay quicker than you could say 'the great debate', but Russ recognizes DT's contribution and success (as I do) and quite frankly I think SymX can only benefit from that (and probably have benefitted).
Yngvai X said:
And I hope you're not implying that those of us who don't like Dream Theater should now magically like them because Russell does. I don't care what bands Russell likes. I still think the last few DT albums blew horribly and I still think SymX wipe the floor with them.

No--but the rude, mindless DT v. SymX flaming ought to stop. It's fine to dislike something, but I think the dislike can be stated in a more polite way than a flame.
this is the best part:
CRR: Last question for you, how does a West Coast boy survive in a band full of guys from New York and New Jersey?

Russell: I just beat ‘em up
Rose Immortal said:
No--but the rude, mindless DT v. SymX flaming ought to stop. It's fine to dislike something, but I think the dislike can be stated in a more polite way than a flame.

There is no DT vs. SymphX going on here. He said SX wipes the floor with them, he didn't square them off against eachother :D
I think a lot of the reason people compare Dream Theater and Symphony X is the instrumental virtuosity and complexity of arrangement that goes into both their writing styles. It's natural to compare Pagannini and Chopin, even though they played different instruments in different styles because both were pushing the boundaries of virtuosity in their fields. With songs like Death of Balance and Dance of Eternity, there is definitly a natural comparison to be made on musicianship, and that means, of course, that there is going to be evaluation of who is superior. So even though they are different genre's and a lot of their sound is different, the two are going to be compared and compared in a competitive manner. I don't think people feel like the members of Symphony X feel the need to compete with DT or that they don't like them, but the "who's better" debates with the fans is only natural for bands with such a strong emphasis on song writing complexity and instrumental prowess
Rose Immortal said:
No--but the rude, mindless DT v. SymX flaming ought to stop. It's fine to dislike something, but I think the dislike can be stated in a more polite way than a flame.

Are you the Etiquette Police or something?