Satan Reunion Album SONG SURVIVOR Round 1

Alright, I spent the week getting up to speed with Satan's newer albums. Had heard Cruel Magic previously, but not Life Sentence or Atom by Atom, so take my votes with a grain of salt.

This is actually pretty hard to pick six, there isn't really any filler tracks out here and I found I had to listen pretty closely before I started nitpicking. I guess that is a testament to Satan's consistency as a band over entire albums.

In my opinion Satan are at their best when they are write sophisticated melodic passages or riffing styles that are both ferocious and intricate. They are obviously at their very best when they combine both. To me they are mostly successful at mixing the "intellectual" melodic style of the American bands of the from the 1980s and the rougher, more aggressive style of the NWOBHM bands.

Any way, I don't hate any of these but the six I'd eliminate are (in no particular order):

Twenty Twenty Five - chorus is a bit cringey, maybe I'm misinterpreting it, but it doesn't seem as ominous when you are singing about something only a dozen years away?

My Own God - Again, not a fan of the lyrics, more obviously derivative than anything else I noticed on here

Who Among Us - 6 minute plus heavy metal songs are hard to pull off, this has diversity of its parts, but as HamburgerBoy said, they don't seem to quite gel, it's not far off though.

Fallen Saviour - There is something awkward about the flow of this song, it does not seem natural for some reason, not sure if it is something to do with the timing or tempo, or if it is the chord selection and interaction with the hammer on/pull of type playing in the main riff.

Cenotaph - probably the most simplistic "banger" on here, I can see why this might be a controversial pick, because the main riffs are actually really good, but the main structure of the song is not as imaginative as most of the album, it's mainly just an alternation between the melodic style and the faster, rhythm based riffing. These types of songs are at risk of not ageing as well perhaps.

Testimony - more a process of elimination at this stage, this type of song is probably a "grower" but doesn't stand out as much at this point. The approach is very melodic and not as aggressive as a lot of the other songs on LS.
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Danke for the votes. My Own God is one of my very favorites despite the lyrics and perhaps relatively simplicity, just super hooky and grooving. I'll join you in voting for Fallen Saviour for round 2 though.
Alright, I spent the week getting up to speed with Satan's newer albums. Had heard Cruel Magic previously, but not Life Sentence or Atom by Atom, so take my votes with a grain of salt.

This is actually pretty hard to pick six, there aren't really any filler tracks out here and I found I had to listen pretty closely before I started nitpicking. I guess that is a testament to Satan's consistency as a band over entire albums.

What amazes me about these three albums is how tonally consistent they are; Satan never let up on the pessimism and gloom. I always expect new albums by old 80s heavy metal bands to include at least one anthem celebrating metal or a ballad about the travails of touring or something hackneyed like that, but these guys never forget for a second what their band is called. Between the lack of tonal missteps and the sheer density of great leads and shit, it's pretty hard to point out weak spots on these albums. I actually disagree vehemently with some of the songs that have been voted for so far; Atom by Atom, Into the Mouth of Eternity and Twenty Twenty Five are all solidly in the upper half for me.

Anyway, votes. I am - half intentionally - picking two songs from each album just to simplify things for me. I'll be less egalitarian in future rounds.

Personal Demons
The Devil's Infantry
Cruel Magic
Who Among Us

I would like to not see this game die so I'm going to call out someone else and ask them to join me in voting - I'm naming @Phylactery because I think no country is such an illustrious member of this community that he should get to vote twice.