say something about ... yourself!

Fucking shit it's freezing right now... in the negatives, keeps jumping between 0 and -20, and it's fucking windy. Snowing, constantly. Hasn't stopped snowing in a day and a half, leaving about a foot, and up to another 12-18 inches is expected over the next few days. Fuck this.
It was -16 about 2 hours ago, now it's at -13.

I forgot how fucking cold it gets here. That is one thing about Texas I do miss, is the warmth and humidity. It's so dry here I usually have to drink plenty of water and use carmex before I go to bed so I don't get a bad bloody nose during the middle of the night, which has already happened several times.
trekked through the snow to stop by campus to try and sell the one textbook, that I could have possibly sold back , back. But just as usual they said NOPE WE AREN'T BUYING THIS ONE BACK. jerks!


it wasn't really snowing though, but still it's like 25 degrees, IN TEXAS

so I bought a twix to ease my misery. good times.
Just made the final payment on my computer. I am now officially debt free! Stickin' it to the man since 2008!
Was -21 last, now it's -6. It's not really the cold that hurts, it's the god damned wind chill. Makes it a nice -30. Funny, last week it was 5. YAY CELCIUS.

Front door of my store over extended thanks to the wind, broke it off. Took me an hour in the freezing cold wind to fix the bloody thing.

I'm going to buy myself a new computer for Christmas I think.

Also, at work 10-8 all damn week. Got nothing to do here either, so I'm just sitting around on the neverboard and facebook, watching my servers on the security cameras.
It's fucking raining's been raining here for THREE FUCKING WEEKS STRAIGHT.

Everyone from Seattle can suck my balls with their piss ant rain complainin'. Half of Italy is underwater right now, and the mountains have 2 meters of snow in ONE MONTH.

Fuck this.