say something about ... yourself!

mmm panera. <3

we're having rice and steamed shrimp for dinner. mmm.

off tomorrow. probobly gonna get that hair cut. and one of the guys i work with took a health class during the summer that i'll be taking in january and said i could have his book, which savee me $84. score.
My secret santa at work was Tina. We did our gift exchange today and she gave me a goddamned ugly ass cheap mother fucking plastic snowman. Am I pissed? Yes. Am I spoiled and ungrateful? You bet, but christ. The minimum was 20 dollars and I got a dollar store piece of crap. Fuck that noise, i spent about 50 on Maya and every one else did about the same.

Okay, spoiled only child greedy ass rant over. :lol:

Damn this is like Deja vu! A friend of mine a couple of days ago was talking about this huge festivus SS exchange she and another pack of people were doing. Except everything had to be handmade art. NOT craft. Well the woman who got her painting and other goodies, never thanked her for it, and my friend got, a little snow man pin. It was said that it looked like their five year old made it. :lol: The woman in question that gave her the snow man pin, lives in Texas. Maybe it's the twilight zone! Maybe, it's the same person!
Sorry about your Job, John. :(

And, Cawa, I hope your $15 dollar days are the chizz, what with all the awesome spoiling your doing! Those gifts are the cats ass!

Had to start over a drawing today. LOL, everything was crooked, running down hill! I also indulged in a little trash TV time! Wifeswap! :D
It is the thought that counts though, seriously. But, a shitty plastic, your never going to wear, dollar snow man pin carries the thought of "I don't give a shit about you!" lol. But, I guess it depends on the person. I love fruit cake, and dried fruit trays. No one else seems to like these things! But, the benefit of loving fruit cake and dates are, they always go to me! My Mom would never dream of giving her fruit cake gifts to anyone else! HAHA! Om nom, fruit cake!

Although, the giving part is my favorite, UGH! I just wish I had money to burn this time of year! :( I'm good at it too! I don't like to just buy shit. I like the gift to be tailored to the person I'm getting it for.
it's gonna be a suck christmas, because i realllly don't want anything for Christmas, and im hard to shop for as it is. So my mom was just going to give me a check so i could save up for a vintage synth, but that leaves no presents under the tree which is kinda lame because it ruins the traditional Christmas feel.

im just hoping i do a lot of family/friends stuff to keep me busy, thats all i really wanted anyway. Plus i wan't get stuff for my little cousins since i pool in with the rest of my family now.

FUCK there not being any games out right now, or cool little Star Wars shit.
I'm kinda the same way. I tend to spoil people for xmas and get gayness in return. No, it's not about the giving. I want cool shit!

The holidays end with me renouncing everyone and vowing to regift everything but I never hold to it :(

I hear ya...but I'll get her that damn phone she wants with the last of my money. She'll think of me every time she uses it at least.
i saw that he posted a thread in the cob board called Children of Gay or something like that and today it was gone instead of filled with flames from OMG FUK U COB R BETTER THAN ANY BAND U LIKE K kids so that would probably be why since it seems like they basically ban for trolling now.