say something about ... yourself!

The one university I planned on transferring to is makin' takin' the classes I need a hasslin' so called up the advisors at another university for an appointment to see if things will be easier there.
I get very frustrated with the level of "armchair quarterbacks" who work at my place. I had to tell someone today, in a very frank manner, that I didn't care to hear critiques from anyone regarding the latest project I completed and I don't appreciate after having worked for the company for 16+ years having to justify every single move I maketo every single person in the place. I simply had enough!

I went far above and beyond the call of duty to deliver this project in a near impossible time frame, including working over 9 hours on my day off and for 7000 dollars less than what they were originally quoted from someone else.

They can all kiss my butt.
So I was gonna quit my job right away, then it calmed down so I decided to maybe wait til the fall. Then there was today's total bullshit which made me realize it's not worth my notice goes in on Friday, making my last day August 7th. Derick's last day of work is August 6th. Then what...ROAD TRIP to Maryland.

*I suggested Carne Con part deux...but Derick doesn't wanna :p
My friend's baby almost died, some guy attempted to murder my cousin by stabbing him over 20 times, and my grandma had a heart attack.

If I randomly died walking my dog, I wouldn't be shocked at this point

And...I'm getting checked for a kidney infection tomorrow. oh goody
I'm in so much pain right now, I could strangle somebody.

HUGS Lesa. And I'm sending good luck your way too. :(
My friend's baby almost died, some guy attempted to murder my cousin by stabbing him over 20 times, and my grandma had a heart attack.

If I randomly died walking my dog, I wouldn't be shocked at this point

And...I'm getting checked for a kidney infection tomorrow. oh goody
I'm in so much pain right now, I could strangle somebody.

I don't even know what to say. Humanity is fucked up. I'm starting to believe people are inherently bad by nature. Anyways, I hope the best for you, your friends, and family.
I get very frustrated with the level of "armchair quarterbacks" who work at my place. I had to tell someone today, in a very frank manner, that I didn't care to hear critiques from anyone regarding the latest project I completed and I don't appreciate after having worked for the company for 16+ years having to justify every single move I maketo every single person in the place. I simply had enough!

I went far above and beyond the call of duty to deliver this project in a near impossible time frame, including working over 9 hours on my day off and for 7000 dollars less than what they were originally quoted from someone else.

They can all kiss my butt.

Holy crap they are relentless!!!

I must work in the most untech savvy technology company on the planet.
Generic person A "Why is there a price list on the website?"
Me "There isn't one."
Generic person A "Oh yes there is!"
Me "No there isn't, I put every scrap of information on that site myself. I should know"
Generic Person A "Oh I'll show you"
Me "ok, please do"
Generic Person A "What is that?" <clicks and nothing happens>
Me "That is the thumbnail where the price list SHOULD go. I was never given a price list, so if you click it currently does nothing. For nearly 10 years there was a price list on the website, I was never given 2009's price list so it currently does nothing."
Generic Person A " we don't want a price list on the website at all"
Me "Historically there was always a price list on the website. I was never given a 2009 price list, therefore that does nothing. If we do not wish to have a price list someone has to inform me to remove the button all together."
Generic Person A " But people are trying to get our price list "
Me " I'm leaving now"

Generic Person B "How come there are all these other videos on our Youtube channel?"
Me " those are related videos, videos which have the same names, keywords etc. It is how youtube works"
Me " I can reach more people in this manner. Out of the 6 related videos, 4 are of OUR employees at trade shows talking about OUR new products "

Generic Person B " We didn't take those videos "

Me " No, they were taken by various media outlets at trade shows. They are of OUR employees talking about OUR new products tagged with OUR company name, hence related videos "
Generic Person B "But if I click on them am I going to get a virus? Jerry's computer got a virus last week "
Me " No, you will not"

Generic Person B " I better not. Why is this video for a wine company on there?"

Me " Because they have the exact same name as our company, but they make wine. We are a technology company. "

Generic Person B "People won't know what is going on!!! They will be confused and think they have the wrong company if they watch our video and then click on the related videos. How do I play our video again?"

I'm gonna go postal soon.
Dan, you need to get promoted to some managerial position very soon so you can fire all those imbeciles.

I'd like to say I understand what you're going through, but I really don't. Those people really are retarded.