say something about ... yourself!

Dan, you need to get promoted to some managerial position very soon so you can fire all those imbeciles.

I'd like to say I understand what you're going through, but I really don't. Those people really are retarded.
I lol'd when you mentioned the "will I get a virus if I click on it?" part.

You should've told him that he'll get a virus every day unless before he goes home in the evening, he goes into his DOS prompt and types C: FORMAT. This is something he must do every single day, and it's crucial that he does it before he leaves in the evening because it will protect all the work he's done all day.

When he starts asking where his data is, tell him it's stored safely in the mainframe.

Tell him he can access it by using the CAPS LOCK key.

Got you.
Oh, looks like he just looked at it again in my quote. Now you have to punch yourself twice, Brooks. You should have thought this out a bit better, yeah?

I mean, how does one come up with a game such as this? Moreover, how does such a silly, immature, yet awesome pastime get so popular? It's something that I always thought was just something to do passing friends in the hallway in high school.