say something about ... yourself!

So, last month I was offered a chance to come and work temporarily in September at the place I got laid off from in January. I said no at the time since I wasn't dead set on leaving my current job. The lady told me to let her know if I changed my mind, which I have, so I emailed her to let her know I'll be available. I hope she still needs someone, just that month or so of work would really help to fund school. Plus it's so close to home and awesome.

YES! I just called the lady and, yep she still wants me for the month of September! She's excited, I'm excited. I did some calculations and I'll still have enough money for school and some expenses even if I didn't do the temp job, but more money will definitely be a good thing. Especially from a place I actually like working at.

Now I feel a lot better about quitting the 'tarded place. :kickass:


Fuck Bruno.
Man, what the fuck is this shit? For being a full-time student looking for a full-time job, you'd think that you'd be rewarded with the ability to receive unemployment benefits to supplement your income while looking for a job in this fucked up economy. Instead, you get denied benefits because you're a student not willing to give up your education for a job (honesty fucked me here) and apparently, my field is not a field considered affected by the economy.

While I'm not receiving any funds and stressing about bills and lack of money, barely surviving through the summer, lazy fucks not even looking for a job and Mexicans receive money from the state.

Man, what the fuck is this shit? For being a full-time student looking for a full-time job, you'd think that you'd be rewarded with the ability to receive unemployment benefits to supplement your income while looking for a job in this fucked up economy. Instead, you get denied benefits because you're a student not willing to give up your education for a job (honesty fucked me here) and apparently, my field is not a field considered affected by the economy.

While I'm not receiving any funds and stressing about bills and lack of money, barely surviving through the summer, lazy fucks not even looking for a job and Mexicans receive money from the state.


Don't you live with your parents?
You shouldn't get money for nothing. Most Mexicans bust their asses working under the table odd jobs.

Speaking of work I leave in an hour. I hope I get to do E-Learning during orientation so I can relax.
Don't you live with your parents?

I moved in with my pops and his girlfriend when I moved back from Chicago. That doesn't mean that I don't pay rent and have other expenses including my car insurance, cell phone, car payment and other cost of living expenses such as food, gas, leisure etc.

I don't live for free, if that's what you're implying.

@David: Not necessarily. Though, I disagree with welfare...I'd get rid of it, too.
Unemployment was my only savior for four straight months until last month. I literally applied for at least one job per day for 120 days. I got ONE single fucking call back. They ended up not wanting me. Unemployment is great for people like me who honestly want to work and EARN a living. but people leeching off the system need to die a slow, horrible, jigsaw'ish death.
Unemployment was my only savior for four straight months until last month. I literally applied for at least one job per day for 120 days. I got ONE single fucking call back. They ended up not wanting me. Unemployment is great for people like me who honestly want to work and EARN a living. but people leeching off the system need to die a slow, horrible, jigsaw'ish death.

I agree. I filed for unemployment before I got laid off from the college because I knew it was coming. This was in early June. Since then, I've applied for jobs in my field as much as possible.

I must have applied for 40-something jobs in the past month. I received a call back from one telling me that I was over-qualified for one position and under-qualified for another. I received a postcard thanking me for my resume from the Port of Tacoma, which I thought was nice. Other than that, I never received a single phone call or E-Mail regarding any resume that I had submitted, until last week.

I had an interview for a small company yesterday and I feel that it went well. They are actually hiring for two positions; a remote desktop technician and a In-Field technician, in which they provide a laptop and Blackberry. Chances are, I'll get the In-Field technician position due to my experience. My interviewer said if he could make a decision based off of everyone he has interviewed thus far, he'd give me the In-Field position immediately. I'll know on Friday and I'm 100% positive he'll let me know either way.

Moral of this story? Target the smaller companies if you can. They work with you on a more personal level rather than looking over your resume for 10 seconds and filing it away for 6 months, to await its fate to be shredded.