say something about ... yourself!

On the topic of C.Vs, I was told a story by one of the guys I know (he's high up in an big international company, in the legal department) and he told me that for each job vacancy advertised they receive around 2000 applications, and what my friend's boss usually does is lift 2/3 of the pile and bin it with the phrase "we don't want to hire people who are so unlucky".

Mildly humorous, but the job market is a fucked up place, especially now. Maneuvering yourself into a strong position is all anyone can really do.
HUGS Lesa. And I'm sending good luck your way too. :(

I don't even know what to say. Humanity is fucked up. I'm starting to believe people are inherently bad by nature. Anyways, I hope the best for you, your friends, and family.
^I agree with that sentiment. People are fucking scary.

Thanks for the wishes - so far, everybody has pulled through, thank god. My cousin and grandma just got out of the hospital.
BTW, my mom said it looked like my cousin was stabbed in the neck in a way that suggested that guy was trying to saw his head off, wtf???
They caught the bastards - all three of them. I'm just worried they might be released on bail....*shakes head*

Aside from the road trip, July has been such a disastrous month. I just found out today that my uncle was in the ER for pancreatitis, and they're doing an MRI on him.

I was diagnosed with a kidney infection a few days ago. I have pain radiating out from the front and back of my kidneys - it feels like they're full of gravel/ about to explode right now.
I've been sick for days on this Nitrofurantoin shit, and it made me puke my guts up this morning. It honestly doesn't feel like this poison is doing much good.

lol, I just want to curl up in a ball and die.
metal underwear

On the topic of C.Vs, I was told a story by one of the guys I know (he's high up in an big international company, in the legal department) and he told me that for each job vacancy advertised they receive around 2000 applications, and what my friend's boss usually does is lift 2/3 of the pile and bin it with the phrase "we don't want to hire people who are so unlucky".

That's rich.
I haven't posted in this thread in quite some time, or at least something coherent.

Been doing a lot of hiking, a lot of work, a lot of boating, and yet, the more I spend time with people, the more I realize how much of an outcast and lonely I really am. It's not necessarily a bad thing, I just don't seem to have anything in common with the people I've been hanging out with, making me feel like that much more of an outcast. It's a shame though, because based on my job, I have no way of spending time with my friends. They all work 8-5 weekday jobs, whereas the chances of me getting a weekend off, or not work 11+ hours on a friday or saturday, is slim to none. I don't really like hanging out with my coworkers... At work I'm they're boss, most of them have trouble realizing that outside of work I'm not working, it just keeps them careful around me.

Ah well. [/rant]
Well, I think you're cool Tyler.

I hate my job already. They can't make up their damn minds if they want me for LP or Warehouse, they don't want you leaving the store for lunch, I told them I wanted PART TIME and they want me going over 40.

Fuck that, it's easy to find a job in Houston. And being there is reminding me how horrible retail is.
I will likely get no sleep tonight due to anxiety. My boss's mustache is going to sweat a lake and drown everyone tomorrow when I hand in my notice.

Got an email from the lady at the other place confirming that I've been approved for the temp spot. Yay!
It's too far away for me to ever go to school if I remain there. I was going to quit for school anyway. I won't be able to start now til the spring, so I figured this temp job at a place I LOVED, that is also close to home, would be the better option to hold me over til then. And, maybe one day if/when the housing market gets better, maybe there would be a permanent job for me. I'll be working in a different department this time, and that is good. The broader knowledge I have of the company, the better.

Oh and I hate GiS because it sucks. There are brief moments when it's not too bad, but overall the aggravation just isn't worth it. They can't even provide me with a computer that works without sending me to a desk upstairs, away from my department. They've moved me once, twice, three, now four times.
No. We were going to move to North Dallas, close to UTD and where I work. But, Derick's not going to go to UTD now anyway, he's going to UTA (in Arlington). We're sure not moving to nasty Arlington! I guess we'll move after we're both done with teh skewls.
No. We were going to move to North Dallas, close to UTD and where I work. But, Derick's not going to go to UTD now anyway, he's going to UTA (in Arlington). We're sure not moving to nasty Arlington! I guess we'll move after we're both done with teh skewls.
Move closer to Samantha!

is freaking the fuck out about the cat :eek:
Sounds like you need some medical marijuana.