say something about ... yourself!

went to a huge hardcore show tonight, hardcore dancing really fucking sucks, moshing kicks its ass. i pushed some kid back into the pit because he was swinging his fists and kicking the air really close to me and the faggot brigade came down and started bitch at me about how it wasn't cool and bro and that i need to chill because pushing isn't cool at hardcore shows. all the bands were pretty gay but Madball hetero-fied the night and actually made it worth the 10 bucks, i'd gladly go back to see them rip it up again sometime.
went to a huge hardcore show tonight, hardcore dancing really fucking sucks, moshing kicks its ass. i pushed some kid back into the pit because he was swinging his fists and kicking the air really close to me and the faggot brigade came down and started bitch at me about how it wasn't cool and bro and that i need to chill because pushing isn't cool at hardcore shows. all the bands were pretty gay but Madball hetero-fied the night and actually made it worth the 10 bucks, i'd gladly go back to see them rip it up again sometime.

Sounds like a queerfest... In fact, moshing isn't very straight either.