wizard in black
thats hott
thats hott
I am seriously considering taking up drums
Shouldn't you start with something smaller?
All I can figure is that he was making a joke out of sticking drums up your rectum?!
All I can figure is that he was making a joke out of sticking drums up your rectum?!
Umm, I'm not into that kind of stuff.
Fine, up your urethra then.
yeah or i will take a dildo and put it in your face and take pictures and send it to everyone like I did in this photo.
Fine, up your urethra then.
holy shit the offspring are still around?
also, shopping for notebooks sucks. I don't even remember what I bought in the end, I just wanted to make it stop. They should make it illegal for a company to offer more than 3 different models.
Well, that's easy for you to say, but imagine buying a notebook and then finding out it's not suited for your purposes after all. I mean, notebooks go for over one these days, for chrissakes! Imagine spending all that money on one with lines when you really needed one with squares! You'd be pissed!Are you talking about a paper notebook or a laptop?
In the case of the former: Jesus fucking Christ. How fucking hard is it to pick out a book filled with fucking paper? Look at your budget, look for the price, decide whether you want wide-ruled or college-ruled and get on your fucking way. Are you the same kinda asshole that sits in the single drive thru lane at the fast food joint for a half hour trying to decide whether you want your Fanta supersized?
In the case of the latter: Jesus fucking Christ. How fucking hard is it to pick out a plastic case filled with components? Look at your budget, look for the price, decide whether you want pink or blue, and get on your fucking way. Are you the same kinda asshole that sits in the single drive thru lane at the fast food joint for a half hour trying to decide whether you want your burger to come with the combo?