say something about ... yourself!

I asked the vocalist about it, he gave me kind of an elongated version of the "Why does RATM use a capitalist medium to spread a communist message?" answer: all that matters is spreading the message, and in his case no one would listen if he was running around in a loincloth playing bone flutes.

Personally, I think if they did that, they'd probably get a better turn out just from sheer curiosity.
But I want him to play me the song of his people!

And when even TED KACZYNSKI says you're full of it... Jesus, man. Rethink your plans.

I do enjoy a good night of clubbing

Lol, last night when Derick came home from work, he told me about how all the people there for tutoring were complaining about the developmental Algebra class that I just dropped yesterday, talking about how IMPOSSIBLE it is to take it along with any other classes because of the ridiculous amount of studying and work it requires. I'm not one to be sardful when it comes to school, but spending at least 5 hours a day, 7 days a week, on just one subject, is just a bit much in my opinion. Anyway, that made me feel better, even though I know I made the right decision to take it next semester with only one other class.

Next semester I'll also try to get an instructor who actually teaches, and doesn't expect us to completely teach ourselves outside of class with an online program that doesn't even work properly.
Threw my back out at practice last night. The pain is devastating. I actually called in sick to work because of it this morning. I cannot stand up straight and moving in any way is agony. Most pain, especially the bumps and bruises and typical battle wounds from jiu-jitsu, I can generally block out of mind, but this lower back pain absolutely cannot be ignored in any way. This really sucks :(

I'm pretty sure it's a pinched nerve, as I've felt this before, so I'm thinking two or three more days of agony and then it will finally start working itself out, so in the meantime, be prepared for asshole Kevin :lol:
Next semester I'll also try to get an instructor who actually teaches, and doesn't expect us to completely teach ourselves outside of class with an online program that doesn't even work properly.

Wow, kinda sounds like your teacher doesn't give a damn. I always hated the teachers who never really lectured the students. Okay class open your book, read the next twenty pages and I'll give you a quiz at the end. Don't bother asking questions, I won't answer them. I hate that shit.
Slowely turning my punk band into a thrash metal with some punk type sound.
Lots of double bass, double picking, and many many more parts.
Less verse, chorus type stuff.
I think I need a guitar amp :(
but it needs to be cheap and used. Our bass player is an electrical engineer and can fix anything. Any suggestions?
Wow, kinda sounds like your teacher doesn't give a damn. I always hated the teachers who never really lectured the students. Okay class open your book, read the next twenty pages and I'll give you a quiz at the end. Don't bother asking questions, I won't answer them. I hate that shit.

Yeah. Well, he would answer specific questions. But uh, it's a developmental class. ALL OF IT is a question, so teach it and explain it to our dumb asses! I think it takes an uncocky and patient person to teach a class like that, and he seemed to be neither.

And the online program is a joke. Each page loads sooooo slowly, no matter your internet speed. So if we're supposed to review 100 pages of the program in a few days...that alone is going to take FOREVER. It might be a valuable study aid, but shouldn't be the main form of learning in the class.

My government class also has an online thing, but we're not required to look at it. It's just an optional study aid, as it should be. My government teacher actually teaches, and talks about bacon. I enjoy that class :p
It's time for an experiment. This is just a shot in the dark, but since my back is wack and I can't move to save my life, let's see if ordering a pizza makes it feel any better!
I was in my critical thinking class waiting for the teacher to show up when I see some 20 something year old latino dude in flannel with a faux hawk and trendy shoes walk in and take the podium off the desk so of course I'm staring at him like o_O wat and he's like yeah man i'm the teacher. So on the first day of a critical thinking class about arguments, values, discrimination etc I judged my teacher based on his appearance and he noticed. Douche chillllll.
Don't worry dude, he was probably thinking "What's this fuckin long haired scrub doing in a CRITICAL THINKING class?!"

tit for a tat.
Ah. Finally found a place in Vancouver, moving this weekend. I have a lot of packing to get done in the meantime! I've never lived out of my hometown here, and moving to the city and an hour and a half away from Chilliwack is a big change, for sure! Start work there next week. I'm anxious and exicted, this is going to be interesting.
Ah. Finally found a place in Vancouver, moving this weekend. I have a lot of packing to get done in the meantime! I've never lived out of my hometown here, and moving to the city and an hour and a half away from Chilliwack is a big change, for sure! Start work there next week. I'm anxious and exicted, this is going to be interesting.

Good Luck Tyler! Can't wait to see exciting new pics from the new place.