say something about ... yourself!

My old bassist wants to reunite the band.

We broke up a while cause nothing was really happening, but we've all gotten the itch again. But I'm just wondering if it's worth it. And I need your help.

Check out this song, the one we wrote just before we 'broke up.' It's a shame we never got a 'pro' sounding recording of this one (as we did some of the others), cause it's one of my favorites.

With the old drummer.

With (a) new drummer.

The vibe we're going for is a little Biffy Clyro, a little Queens of the Stone Age, Oceansize, Them Crooked Vultures, etc. 'progressive' hard rock.


at first I thought you were talking about Down Factor so I was like fuck yeah do it but then noticed the mp3's playing on the link were not very similar haha. Honestly if playing with the band/playing live/making music was fun that's all there is to it. If you're super busy or think it'll detract from the life you're living right now if you're enjoying it then don't but otherwise I don't see any reason not to; especially if you guys just dig jamming and aren't going to go insanely hardcore it could just be a fun thing to do and not involve crazy stress like some bands have.
So disgusted right now. My step nephew got a couple of hermit crabs over the summer. Of course, he loses interest in everything. Just like his betta, too. I've been taking care of the betta since I have some myself. He and his mother have supposedly been taking care of the hermit crabs.

However, it became evident that they have not been taking care of the crabs when Derick noticed that one of them looked dead and had some of it's legs ripped off. I checked out the cage...there wasn't a drop of water, no food, & crap everywhere. The stench nearly knocked me down. So, my guess is that the other crab resorted to cannibalism because it was starving. Upon closer inspection, the dead one is actually still alive. It's so sad :(

Why get animals if you can't/won't take care of them?? The container of crab food was right beside the tank! Yet just as full as it was months ago. I'm going to make sure that someone learns a hard lesson in responsibility. Even though it's really not my place to do it...his mother surely isn't going to.
OMG Cara, that shit pisses me off too! Its like that little love bird my grandmother mistreated so badly that he had like no feathers. When we got him, he was starving, and his cage was a total mess. No water. Nothing. Pewr little shit. He lived for nearly a year due to coming to us. He died about a month and a half ago though. Pewr Squeeker. He was kinda old too. Fuck that shit! People need to think about what it means to care for an animal!!!
I'm trying to convince the guys in the band to open for Warrel at the Whiskey in LA; we'd have to presell tickets and stuff like that but it'd be sooo fucking sweet. I'm really bummed that there doesn't seem to be a bay area date so being able to see Warrel and play on the same show would be insane. I thought there were no more slots left but turns out there are so I need to convince these guys to do it >_<
I've thrown out my back big time. All the hell I did was get up off a couch at school to go to class. I seriously don't know how I'm going to be able to carry my backpack tomorrow. I feel old :bah:
I already replied on facebook, but here I will say:

Welcome to getting old. Sucks. :\

Feel better :)
Nutshell!!!!!! That song makes me want to cry every time, so good.
It's one of my favourites, too. :) I'm happy they played it.

Was at the Arch Enemy show on Saturday.. right after 2 AIC shows.. lol.. I just watched it from the bar area and enjoyed the night.

I think I also saw Dagna with her boyfriend at the show.. pretty sure.

Some pics:




Cara.... You probably already know my thoughts about the Hermit crabs story...
Irresponsible pet owners is one of my biggest pet-peevs EVER. I can not stand it, and can not and will not ever tolerate it.

You did well by taking care of them :)

It's so sad how Hermit Crabs are being sold at "the beach" all the time, in a tiny container and that stupid sponge, and people buy them for their kids, but never bother to even look into how to care for them properly..
I just want to scream at those people: Get rid of the sponge... it's a bacteria heaven, and instead put two shallow pools- one with fresh water, and one with salt (aquarium salt) give them fruit fresh slices, and mis their dry pallets with fruit juices.
mist them 3-4 times daily, and by golly get them a bigger tank :/

Thanks for being awesome with animals, Cara.