say something about ... yourself!

Somebody did go to the effort to put one crab in a Glad container and left the injured one in the tank, wow. They know there are several empty fish tanks in the utility room that they could use, but they chose a freaking Glad container. As much as I would like to take care of the situation and save the crabs, I have to draw the line somewhere. I can't take over responsibility for every small pet they bring in for that kid, because then they would be bringing more home constantly. "Oh, it's okay if he loses interest in it later because Cara will take care of it." - No.

*watches my hamster being happy*
I have a girlfriend now. That's about it in Steve Land.

Feels good, doesn't it? Treat her well, my friend.

I had been stuck/snowed in my house with my parents since Friday. I finally got to go to work at 3 pm, worked for 3 hours, and am now sitting at my friend's house after finished off his bottle of Cap'ns and Mist.

Get to open tomorrow and I'm kinda okay with this. I'm also looking for ways to kidnap my man from his house. Any ideas, loaning of ninjas, etc. would be muchly appreciated.
Sarah Palin makes it so easy for me to hate her. It's almost comical and absurd. I often laugh when I see her speak on TV and her dumb sheep flock who cheer her and support her, and it's funny, it really is. But then... for a moment, I remind myself... she is a real figure in politics. And then the joke is over.
I really don't mind that.

If this country is so mind-fuckingly retarded that it would even nominate that slopcunt into the primary, let alone actually allow her win it, that'll just absolutely, unequivocally motivate me to move the hell outta here. I'd sorta like to anyway, so maybe I'm just looking forward to confirmation.

Maybe the Mayans were right.
I think it's due time for a good old fashioned assassination attempt. Whatever happened to those anyways?