say something about ... yourself!

I get offended when Chinese restaurants give me orange slices at the end of a meal.

Hey actually thinking about that, NONE LATELY HAVE GIVEN ME ORANGE SLICES AT THE END OF MY MEAL *shakes fist*
How's this for a joke - The 'Tea Party' trying to remove Ron Paul from office, the guy that essentially started the Libertarian movement among the young and conscious before it got carried away by Glenn Beck and the other shills, lighting the retard beacon.

Though Rachael, you lose points for "Hostilitea". Leave the bad puns to Jon Stewart, please!

Yeah, gotta agree with you there, Brooks. Is it just me or is there a massive influx of people claiming to be Libertarian in the last year or so?

My theory is that it's just a bunch of retarded and ignorant Republicans who hide behind the "I'm a Libertarian" badge so they can get away with bashing anything and everything coming from the left (in true Republican fashion) while simultaneously avoiding the embarrassment of being associated with the Republican party.

They're hypocrites. If you're for trickle-down economics, staunchly oppose any government regulation in the health and education of American citizens, hate all Democrats, and think the US should bomb other countries into submission, then guess what? YOU'RE A REPUBLICAN.
Sarah Palin makes it so easy for me to hate her. It's almost comical and absurd. I often laugh when I see her speak on TV and her dumb sheep flock who cheer her and support her, and it's funny, it really is. But then... for a moment, I remind myself... she is a real figure in politics. And then the joke is over.

Man, do i agree with this. Guh, that woman.

Wait...putting fruit in Hoegaarden? What is this foolings?
I see. I don't mind it as a garnishment. I don't actually put it *in* the beer or squeeze juice into it, but just stuck on the side of the glass, eh *shrug*

I know this girl from Arlington, that sometimes hangs out at our parties, and she always brings a 6-pack of Blue Moon or any other wheat white ale and an orange or two, which she will cut into slices at the party, and she squeezes the juice in the beer... like 3-4 slices at once into one pint glass...

I cringe every time I see it.

I never really liked her. She is an odd ball - but not the good kind.
Actually I don't even know if what you typed is wrong. I was just reminded of wood as soon as I read it :lol:
I know this girl from Arlington, that sometimes hangs out at our parties, and she always brings a 6-pack of Blue Moon or any other wheat white ale and an orange or two, which she will cut into slices at the party, and she squeezes the juice in the beer... like 3-4 slices at once into one pint glass...

I cringe every time I see it.

I never really liked her. She is an odd ball - but not the good kind.
You should punch her right in the face.

Yes ma'am I do want an orange slice in my Oberon thank you.

What do you think about oranges in Oberon?
"I don't get all bent out of shape about it. If people enjoy drinking it with an orange slice and it makes them happy -- drinking beer is supposed to be a happy event and I'm not going to be a beer Nazi and tell them they can't put an orange slice in it, if it makes them happy."

Karen the beer nazi.
Me loving Colbert and Stewart and Bill Mahr has nothing to do with the fact that Sarah Palin scares me. I hate her so much, she is so stupid and absurd,
yet, people follow her? That's scary man, and far far from funny.
OMG! Sarah Palin is even scarier than Curious George! [Valley Girl]Like ummm, OK, so, like, there are WAAAAAYYYY more people in my county than there are in her large, energy-producing state, and if she can see Russia from her back porch, I'm totally able to see Canada from mine, so, like, can I run for Governor?[/Valley Girl] Prolly not. Her legs are nicer than mine. :( And, well, all my kids are relatively normal....

I don't get how ANYONE follows that woman. Seriously. How do they justify it?!
Except Obama has a functioning brain and while he and his legion of dudes have employed extensive use of smoke and mirrors, I'd still rather have him doing nothing in the White House than Sarah Palin doing something.