say something about ... yourself!

Japanese one of the most difficult languages in the world...I'd start with Norwegian.

Japan is a really nice country and the people are very polite, especially in places like Okinawa. However, it just wasn't for me. I don't think I could live there and be very happy. It's a really interesting and fascinating place to visit, though.

Okinawa was fun I went there when i was 8 all the Japanese girls were over me because of my straight light blonde hair, if only i had been older....i wish i hadn't been on Kadena air base thoguh, i didn't get to see much of they Japanese way of life. one of the things i remember the most was going to Shuri Castle and walking into one of the rooms and everyone had to duck down besides me, it was trippy all the rooms seem like they were built for midgets :lol:

as far as languages i should learn German since its readily available to me but i also want to learn Finnish, pronunciation is so easy to do in that language i can sit there and read a sentence off then hear the guy speak it and it will be spot on most of the time.
Well, come to find out, my school does not offer a photography class. Some of the other surrounding schools do, but I want to spend at least another semester at my current school. Sooo, now I can't really justify spending $500 of my tax return on a camera. What to do, what to do. I know it sounds incredibly stupid, but I really could benefit from a tanning bed.

This isn't my arm obviously, but it's what I've got going on with my arms, stomach and feet. I thought it was eczema for the longest time but nope, it's psoriasis. This kind is called "guttate" and it can be brought on by an infection like strep throat. HELLO! It started up when I had tonsillitis and swine flu back in September. This happened to me 8 years ago during my senior year of high school as well. Took over six months for it to start going away, and another year for the scars to fade. I was so miserable ugh.

Anyway, sunlight/UV is good for it and is prescribed for it. I've always had a little of it each winter and as soon as summer came and I sunbathed a couple times, it went right away. I'm not sure if I can wait that long this time; it's actually a bit worse than the outbreak 8 years ago. I mean, I'm five months into it now and it's just horrible! My options are go to the doctor and undergo prescribed & expensive UV treatment for a temporary amount of time (which would probably meet or exceed what I'd pay for the tanning bed I'm considering), go to a tanning salon (which I really don't want to do for privacy and sanitation issues), or buy myself a tanning bed that I can use whenever I need it at no charge.

And I wouldn't abuse it! I don't wanna look like a leathery oompa loompa. I just want this shit gone and for it to stay gone. It really hurts *sigh*
Oh man, that sucks Cara. I had something kind of similar happen to me about three years ago. I got this horrible breakout on my chest. It took like months and months of antibiotics and nearly two years for it to go away entirely. Actually it hasnt actually gone away completely, just doesnt break out like that anymore. D:
Here you go Dahveed. It looks a bit less red at the moment because I just put a ton of aloe with lidocaine on it. Believe me when I say this stuff HURTS! Lidocaine numbs the pain and itch for a while. And yes my leg is hairy. Shaving is not an option as long as this stuff persists.





I feel ya Cara, I have eczema and it mostly affects my back and shoulder area, but I got prescribed some Tetracycline for it, and I've been taking it twice a day for two weeks now, so we'll see what happens. Question: Do I have to watch my drinking with this medication? I head it fucks around with your liver...
Well, my brother and his wife got an apartment and are SUPPOSED to be moving out next week, so if I get my tanning bed then I can use it in the garage. I'm pretty confident it will work, and then I'll have it to prevent and treat future outbreaks. It's definitely inherited. My dad's dad has it worse than I.

Oh, it's supposed to snow again tomorrow night! :dopey:
Well, my brother and his wife got an apartment and are SUPPOSED to be moving out next week, so if I get my tanning bed then I can use it in the garage. I'm pretty confident it will work, and then I'll have it to prevent and treat future outbreaks. It's definitely inherited. My dad's dad has it worse than I.

Oh, it's supposed to snow again tomorrow night! :dopey:
So the animals are safe from the retarded kid then?