say something about ... yourself!

Today was awesome. The weather has been Spring-like for the past 4 or 5 days and it's gettin' me all excited for cooking meat over an open flame and chugging beers on golf courses and playing whiffle ball. I took Wednesday off to hike Mt. Si but now they're saying it's going to be raining by then. Balls!

Camera arrives on Tuesday :kickass:
As far as inherited weird skin problems go, i know how you feel Cara. My dad has a very very rare skin condition called Hailey-Hailey's Its so rare, doctors freak out when shown it. Its a bit gnarly. My brother inherited it real bad. Apparently its worse in the male line. D: I do have a bit of it though and its part of the reason my skin is so crazy sensitive.
^ My best friends cousin (who is also my cousin as far as we're both concerned. He's the closest thing to family I have), has an extremley rare skin condition.


He's a Mexican but we call him Redd. His skin peels and flakes regularly, he has to oil himself constantly and take very long bathes. He is Redd all over, it affects his whole body. I forgot the scientific name of it. He's a hero to me, I love him to death. He's also the most talented rapper I've ever met, and the nicest guy in the world.

The reason I post, is I'm wondering if what Mah just described is what he has.
I just saw Cara's photos...I feel so bad for you!
A bit of sun does wonders, but have you tried anything more 'out there', I guess? Oatmeal baths or supplements? Burdock and dandelion root helped my skin a little. I'm a big fan of Kombucha, is amazing for many reasons, and my skin loves it. Synergy is the easiest to drink, or just use Kombucha tea bags...nom nom.

Random: have you tried swimming in a chlorinated pool yet?
I've tried soooo many things. A doctor could prescribe steroids but I refuse to take those. Your chance of a nasty recurrence are quite high after you stop taking them. But yeah. Calamine lotion, hydrocortisone, lanacane, oatmeal, aloe, "Skin Zinc," coal tar, salicylic acid, tea tree oil, lavender oil, coconut oil, vitamins, and blah blah blah. Not at once, of course. Over the summer I did swim in our chlorinated pool while getting some sun. The results were good, but no better than just laying in the sun.

That sucks for your dad and brother, Mah. Also for your friend, John. I'd seen pics of him before and figured he'd been badly burned or something. :(
They can also give you cancer drugs if it's severe enough, as technically psoriasis is an overgrowth of cells. Chemo is a scary thought though.
Wow, you have tried everything!
I've been prescribed steroid creams for my hands, and they help curb outbreaks a little. It mostly seems to go away on it's own.

I think u should give kombucha a shot, though. I've been reading more about it, and it seems to work when nothing else's helped people with a host of problems, including psoriasis. Woot!
Cara-Yeah, most people do think he's a burn victim. I really want to know what he has so I can study it, but I can't just ask him or his family despite knowing him so many years, it'd be rude. The scientific name for it started with an S, something like Skdhglsjfhglsdkhglsfk.

He lives in San Antonio, I can't wait to see him this weekend. His night is never complete until he's on the ground with his vision spinning, haha.
Great shot! Is that from your work or casa window?

Wow! Seattle looks fucking amazing. That and New York are my in US places to visit now that I've been to Chicago. Everything is so colorful. You should see Houston, everything is DRAB and GREY and DULL and SHITTY looking. Well, maybe half of it.
That's the view from my bosses office. You know all the pics I post with the Space Needle and the skyscrapers to the left side? This pic above was taking from the opposite side of the building as those ones. In this pic is I-5 haha.
^lol no it isnt.

Thats a very lovely pic! It actually looks a bit European with how the buildings are laid out. Very nice! How many megapixels does that bad dog have anyway?
No matter how much I pictured it nothing prepared me for seeing my dad post chemo tonight. Eye brows out...

He told me they're doing the second chemo injection a week early. I asked why and he didn't know. He said maybe because they have time to do it, or maybe because they're running out of time. He looks...bad. :(

Does anyone know if the fact that they're doing it a week early (it's supposed to be every 21 days) means anything significant? I know it's just the chemo making him weak, but I can't help but feel like he's dying right now.
On a totally unrelated note, here's a good joke I heard:

How many cancer patients does it take to change a lightbulb?

They can't because they're too weak to climb the fucking ladder.
Hahaha, you fucking jerk. :lol:

You can't get under my skin. He already makes fun of himself for having cancer. He'd probably crack up if I told him that.

Cynical atheist dad ftw. <3
No matter how much I pictured it nothing prepared me for seeing my dad post chemo tonight. Eye brows out...

He told me they're doing the second chemo injection a week early. I asked why and he didn't know. He said maybe because they have time to do it, or maybe because they're running out of time. He looks...bad. :(

Does anyone know if the fact that they're doing it a week early (it's supposed to be every 21 days) means anything significant? I know it's just the chemo making him weak, but I can't help but feel like he's dying right now.

I asked my brother who's a medical student about this, and I wouldn't worry about them doing it extra early. Might mean they'll be able to get rid of it faster (or if it's worse then they might need to do it extra much to fight it). Since chemo is done over a set amount of time, say 3 months or whatever, bad news would be if after the treatment time they'd need to continue it.

I guess that fact isn't that comforting either, but hopefully it means that they can get rid of it faster.

I hope he gets better, John. That kind of shit shouldn't happen to anyone.