say something about ... yourself!

One of the neighbor's trees fell on our power lines. Obviously the power is not out but hanging in there. The lines caught the tree piece and is kinda holding it. Observe:

PG&E should be out sometime today to do something about that.
Well, everythings fine. The tree got cleaned up and stuff. However, foolings of a hilarious sort happened. PG&E guy said: "oh well i cant really touch the power lines since its a tree and thats really your problem." However he was cool enough to stick around and recommend an electrician. We called this electrician and he came out. However for some stupid reason, you need a permit from the county or something in order to have this worked on. Well, the electrician called the county office. The county office gave the electrician some flack and the electrician got very angry at the office and stuff. He said "42 years ive been working with these assholes and now they do this? We will have a powow about this!" So him and the PG&E guy decide to go ahead and do the job without the county business. About a half hour later, a building inspector shows up. I have no real idea what transpired between the men, but i do recall one of them saying "I think we may have to kill the building inspector, only we gotta do it when no one's looking." I guess everything straightened out in the end, and the electrician and PG&E guy fixed the issue. I swear it was something out of a British comedy. It was very annoying and mindnumbing for all involved, but an outsider looking in, would have found it very hilarious.
Well, everythings fine. The tree got cleaned up and stuff. However, foolings of a hilarious sort happened. PG&E guy said: "oh well i cant really touch the power lines since its a tree and thats really your problem." However he was cool enough to stick around and recommend an electrician. We called this electrician and he came out. However for some stupid reason, you need a permit from the county or something in order to have this worked on. Well, the electrician called the county office. The county office gave the electrician some flack and the electrician got very angry at the office and stuff. He said "42 years ive been working with these assholes and now they do this? We will have a powow about this!" So him and the PG&E guy decide to go ahead and do the job without the county business. About a half hour later, a building inspector shows up. I have no real idea what transpired between the men, but i do recall one of them saying "I think we may have to kill the building inspector, only we gotta do it when no one's looking." I guess everything straightened out in the end, and the electrician and PG&E guy fixed the issue. I swear it was something out of a British comedy. It was very annoying and mindnumbing for all involved, but an outsider looking in, would have found it very hilarious.

Now I know what you meant by the tom foolery. :lol: Jeeeze!
No matter how much I pictured it nothing prepared me for seeing my dad post chemo tonight. Eye brows out...

He told me they're doing the second chemo injection a week early. I asked why and he didn't know. He said maybe because they have time to do it, or maybe because they're running out of time. He looks...bad. :(

Does anyone know if the fact that they're doing it a week early (it's supposed to be every 21 days) means anything significant? I know it's just the chemo making him weak, but I can't help but feel like he's dying right now.

I can't believe I missed this..I'm so sorry :(
I don't really know what to say..just try to help keep him positive and comfortable.

It's good that he's being humorous about friend's dad acted the same way. I'd ask how he's doing, and he'd always reply with "eh, death will come swiftly" in his thick South African accent. Not taking the situation seriously kept him going throughout the chemo, and he's doing just fine, now.

I think your dad will be ok..mindset and attitude really make all the difference :)
Be strong for him - you're both in my thoughts
I haven't been sick in about 10 years. I'm starting to get sick.

Shame too, since they're giving out free shots of Fernet at the Minibar from 7-9pm, at the CD release party for the record my friend Wythe did the album artwork for.

Curse you... uhh... errr... Kirk Cameron!!!
Odin's balls. An associate just came over here with huge bags and bags of Cali Kush and Purple Urkel. Because he's dumb and black, he spilled a lot of it on my floor. I never said anything. Now I have all this dro. I'm already so high I'm sick. I was doing great smoking once or twice a week but that's over for awhile.