say something about ... yourself!

But also last time I roasted several heads of garlic and just so happened to eat cloves of garlic on just about everything. That could be the difference.
^ :lol: He's also a cone head!

Awww, I know Cara is relieved, but I was hoping for another epic garlic, fart cloud. heheh The last one could be seen from space. Now I see why, you went on a roasted garlic bender.
Might do a paranormal investigation at my friend's house next week. We hung out last night and said "Want to see the ghost in my closet?" I was totally expecting to see a pic of his white fluffy cat. But nay, on his iPhone is probably the clearest and creepiest picture of an apparition that I've seen in my life. It was taken with his phone; couldn't be faked. And he wouldn't go to the trouble to fake a picture like that.

He said that for the past few years he has felt this thing around him, that it follows him to work even. At night it moves items around in his room. That was why he took the pic. He had some things set up around by his door and was about to go to sleep. He took a pic of them as they were, and if they had tipped over when he woke up, then he was going to blame one of his housemates for coming into his room and messing stuff up. But much to his surprise, right there in that picture is a freaking FACE and a robe in front of his closet.

There's no argument about what it looks like either, it's that freakin clear. I could draw a picture of it. If he doesn't email me the pic soon then I will draw it, so I can research what kind of robe it is. It had a very distinct collar and belt. My friend's really rattled about this. He's dealt with it ok over the years, but he just took this pic two weeks ago and he's pretty freaked out over the image.

As for me, I'm kind of excited over it. I know there are nonbelievers here but hell, that picture is pretty inarguable and CHILLING. I'll show you! As soon as I can heh.
Might do a paranormal investigation at my friend's house next week. We hung out last night and said "Want to see the ghost in my closet?" I was totally expecting to see a pic of his white fluffy cat. But nay, on his iPhone is probably the clearest and creepiest picture of an apparition that I've seen in my life. It was taken with his phone; couldn't be faked. And he wouldn't go to the trouble to fake a picture like that.

He said that for the past few years he has felt this thing around him, that it follows him to work even. At night it moves items around in his room. That was why he took the pic. He had some things set up around by his door and was about to go to sleep. He took a pic of them as they were, and if they had tipped over when he woke up, then he was going to blame one of his housemates for coming into his room and messing stuff up. But much to his surprise, right there in that picture is a freaking FACE and a robe in front of his closet.

There's no argument about what it looks like either, it's that freakin clear. I could draw a picture of it. If he doesn't email me the pic soon then I will draw it, so I can research what kind of robe it is. It had a very distinct collar and belt. My friend's really rattled about this. He's dealt with it ok over the years, but he just took this pic two weeks ago and he's pretty freaked out over the image.

As for me, I'm kind of excited over it. I know there are nonbelievers here but hell, that picture is pretty inarguable and CHILLING. I'll show you! As soon as I can heh.

It's interesting what a single piece of evidence can do. I've been part of a paranormal research team for a couple years now and I've encountered some pretty striking evidence. I still remain skeptical on investigations because it's easy to debunk shit (OMG an orb!...) but sometimes, you get a picture or an EVP you just can't explain. I've always believed in the paranormal due to experiences as a kid but those memories are a blur. Present experiences seem more real since they are more recent. My advice is to get a Speakjet if money permits. They sure as shit come in handy.
Yeah, I mean, I'm pretty skeptical about anything I see online or on TV. I enjoy watching Ghost Hunters but I know that anything they catch could all be faked. But this is happening to my good friend, this is a pic that he took. This is as real as it gets, aside from it happening to myself. And I really don't want it to :ill:
Ghosthunters is bullshit. A lot of teams in this area are partnered with TAPS but apparently, TAPS doesn't like us because we've called them out on their bullshit. They've even admitted that they are full of shit but people eat up that stupid show like cotton candy. It's all good if you dig watching the show but I literally make it a point to boycott TAPS whenever someone mentions that stupid show.
yeah stopped watching that show a while ago, in the beginning it seemed like it was legit but then an episode came on where they were in a prison and a dude in a sheet ran real quick up and down a cell block and it seemed super fake so i stopped watching it.

there is an old abandoned arsenal that used to be part of a HUGE and very old mental institution up the hill from it and it looks extremely haunted, but the cops frequently patrol it since kids always deface it and its private property, everything is boarded up but we found a cellar door unlocked one day....i REALLY want to do an investigation there but i would probably get arrested it sucks :(

Might do a paranormal investigation at my friend's house next week. We hung out last night and said "Want to see the ghost in my closet?" I was totally expecting to see a pic of his white fluffy cat. But nay, on his iPhone is probably the clearest and creepiest picture of an apparition that I've seen in my life. It was taken with his phone; couldn't be faked. And he wouldn't go to the trouble to fake a picture like that.

Did you say Apparition????

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I wanna see the picture Cara!

....I'm a total non-believer who wants to be a believer maybe?
ghosts fascinate me, but I tend to only treat it as a fun urban myth and not something real. Kinda like the way I treat horror flicks. Fun, scary and exciting, but at the end of the day- all buncha Hollywood.

Show me the pic :)