say something about ... yourself!

Sometimes dogs can sure stare at you.

Shrike thinks he needs something and he will just sit there and stare at every move I make. I look at him, he is all tense and excited from my sudden attention, then I look away.
I know he is not hungry / thirsty / he just went out / got a treat /no way he knows his favorite toy is hidden behind the couch / etc ....
and when I look away, then for a moment I look back at him, and he is there STARING AT ME in the same position....... EEk, He knows where that toy is.
Pfft. Whatever.

You're better than most. Which isn't saying much. ;)

mm... krusovice dark <3

Good beer! The dark Kozel, if you can get it, is better though!

Krusovice is popular in Russia, but Russian pub owners aren't trusted enough to keep the beer fresh or pubs clean enough, so Krusovice refuses to let the brand name be destroyed by sneaky Russians and so in Russia it's sold under the name "Czech boat beer". :D
Just watched the entire first season and the first episode of the second season of Breaking Bad. Holy shit, that's a bit of an alright show.
Riding my bike to a friend's house last night, a Taxi cab ran through an intersection and hit me, knocking me on the ground and significantly scratching and bruising me up. I'm ok; it was completely his fault.

At the Boom Boom Room tonight, I talked to a lawyer at the who told me I should go to the hospital and get a record of injuries sustained, and then have him write an angry lawyer-stationary letter. I wasn't planning on going that far with this, so I'll have to get some familial advice from Pops first, but it seems like a no brainer.

Either way, I'll probably com come out with some settlement money here, though more importantly, will, at the very least, punish a cab driver that wasn't paying attention to the very thing he's being paid to do: pay attention and not drive like a fucking idiot.
Got up at 5:00 AM to pee and it was STILL snowing. I'd say we got about 2 inches of snow. It's starting to melt now. MELT FASTER!

That's cool, Brooks. Still having your health and getting some money out of it = win.
Jesus, Brooks! That fuckin sucks! Im glad yer ok! Yeah, i think i would follow the lawyer's advice and take some action. That cabbie is a fuck for not watching what hes doing. Im sure he'll get sacked for it!
The dude could have killed you just out of sheer stupidity. I say ruin his life as much as you can. If you let him slide, he could end up doing the same stupid shit again.