say something about ... yourself!

What mistake?

Newsflash, esayist:

"were" agrees with plural and "was" agrees with singular. Subjunctive is largely irrelevant, and I was not using it in this context. Ergo. don't be a douchebag and pretend you've scored some kind of point against an idiot. Also, you seem to draw the distinction between "accepted" and "proper." I submit that something which is "accepted" is, in fact, proper, and that was versus were is hardly "fucking up the English language" It's clearer. It makes more sense. So shut the fuck up.

Are you retarded? Can you read? IF makes all the makes it a conditional, AND SINGULAR OR PLURAL DOESN'T EVEN COME INTO ACCOUNT.

Yeah...and again, you still don't understand and you're still wrong. But fear not: I have made the very same mistake before and used the very same argument. However, I wasn't such a total dickhead about it and now I'll let you be completely pwned by someone whose native language isn't even English. I had a momentary lapse of reason; you know, sometimes bad habits and a forgetful nature tend to make you forget shit you learned in the 6th grade. It's completely understandable. What isn't understandable, however, is your apparent vehemence towards this whole thing coupled with the fact that you're in denial of simply making a grammatical error. I didn't call you a racist. I didn't say you were gay. I pointed out a simple and common grammatical error when you accused the forum of being illiterate.

I wasn't saying you were an idiot, merely mistaken. NOW I'm saying you're an idiot because you don't even realize that you're wrong and you're being a complete asshole about it, so good luck with being stupid.

As a side note, I meant "accepted" being accepted by the masses as being correct when it's really not.
Hey DW:

All right. Please enlighten me, O great grammar lord. Firstly I'd like to know how it makes a damn bit of difference which words i use if my meaning is entirely clear.
(philosophical point)
Someone whose native language isn't even English would have less of a handle on how the English language is spoken and used in the everyday sense, if perhaps having a better knowledge of formal grammar rules, which, admittedly are lacking in education here today. But at the core of language is meaning, as I said You knew exactly what I meant. I stand by my assertion. The subjunctive is irrelevant in English, existing in only certain fossilized phrases(be it/that as it may, etc.). So calling me a retard for embracing linguistic progress is in and of itself retarded. Come on now. Don't be a fossil.
I love how DW ALWAYS starts off with a pretty mean retort, and then edits it to make it even more mean.

This board is so funny that I'm not even sure it's funny anymore :lol:
Also, I'm generally not on DW's side in anything and he knows this, but this battle here does seem a little unfair for him. He's just being typical Chris and Glenn is the one that seems asshurt to me, no matter how much he says he's not.
All right. Please enlighten me, O great grammar lord. Firstly I'd like to know how it makes a damn bit of difference which words i use if my meaning is entirely clear.
(philosophical point)
Someone whose native language isn't even English would have less of a handle on how the English language is spoken and used in the everyday sense, if perhaps having a better knowledge of formal grammar rules, which, admittedly are lacking in education here today. But at the core of language is meaning, as I said You knew exactly what I meant. I stand by my assertion. The subjunctive is irrelevant in English, existing in only certain fossilized phrases(be it/that as it may, etc.). So calling me a retard for embracing linguistic progress is in and of itself retarded. Come on now. Don't be a fossil.

See? Now was that so bad? I will explain in detail what I'm talking about.

As far as non-mother tongue speakers, El Stormo has an EXCELLENT grasp of the English language and grammar, and in fact on occasion has corrected me sometimes. We English speakers are lazy with our language and I'm trying to combat that every day.

In the Present Unreal Conditional, the form "was" is not considered grammatically correct. In written English or in testing situations, you should always use "were." However, in everyday conversation, "was" is often used.

I've taught this to students for's accepted to use "was" in common, everyday conversation but it's not correct.

I wasn't saying that I didn't understand you nor was I implying that you don't know how to properly speak English. I was just lightly teasing you simply because you mentioned that half the things posted here are posted by illiterate people. It was a little ironic but a very small thing that is commonly overlooked, and I was only being sarcastic. I wasn't name-calling or anything, at least until you totally ripped me up one side and down the other, calling me names like a woman with really bad PMS.

To be fair, I misspoke at first. I called it a conjunctive with a conditional when I simply meant it was a conditional. In Italian, it would be considered a congiuntivo and not condizionale. My mistake. I often confuse the two because they're opposite but with the same name...but I think I could be forgiven for it since they're so similar and I have to not only teach English, but teach it in Italian as well, which gets confusing.
One more thing that gets under my skin when people have their grammar corrected is the, "But as long as you understand what I meant, it shouldn't matter!"

People are turned down jobs because of grammatical errors on their CVs. To speak well shows that you care about how you present yourself to the world and how the world perceives you. To use the, "But you understand what I meant" excuse is akin to saying that you were too lazy to proofread or that you don't even have a good grasp of your own language. This doesn't mean you, but rather people in general. I've heard that excuse so many times and I hate it. It's a cop-out and a poor excuse. Typographical errors are one thing, but grammatical errors are another entirely. People fuck up or mistype things all the time; that doesn't mean you can't spell. Not knowing how to properly speak English is another.
But you're misrepresenting context here.

I'm not trying to communicate an artificially polished persona to this board of random Internet people.

I'm perfectly capable of writing a grammatically sufficient CV/Resume. Formal English is not the same as casual English and I'm hardly one to encourage substandard written language, since I had to deal with it on a daily basis as a copy editor for a year. Come on now. I was under the impression that this argument was over. Thanks for disappointing.
I love how DW ALWAYS starts off with a pretty mean retort, and then edits it to make it even more mean.

This board is so funny that I'm not even sure it's funny anymore :lol:

The best ideas always come to me late. At first I think, "Ok, be somewhat nice." Then I get to thinking about it and then it's, "Fuck's on."

I haven't written an essay in a while, mainly because there are none left for me to write about. (That last line is grammatically incorrect, actually...) It's only when I feel passionately about something that I write at length about it. There are lots of things going on here that piss me off to no end but I wouldn't expect anyone to understand because no one lives here to relate or formulate an argument for or against said rant.
But you're misrepresenting context here.

I'm not trying to communicate an artificially polished persona to this board of random Internet people.

I'm perfectly capable of writing a grammatically sufficient CV/Resume. Formal English is not the same as casual English and I'm hardly one to encourage substandard written language, since I had to deal with it on a daily basis as a copy editor for a year. Come on now. I was under the impression that this argument was over. Thanks for disappointing.

Again, I never thought you were trying to come off as a polished perfectionist. I was just lightly poking fun at the fact that you claimed people were illiterate when you made a grammatical error in the very same sentence. I never thought it would be discussed on such a level as this; I thought you would've said, ":lol: oops!" or something to that effect. I know I would have.

I was simply lightly ribbing you for it, that's all. Then you began ripping me a new one.
It's not nice to call people morons who clearly aren't morons sir. I only called you an essayist and told you to shut the fuck up. That's not so bad. Well maybe the fuck part is. Unless you live in Japan, then I guess it's chic. Anyway, you called me both a retard and a moron. Should we split hairs over those differences?
Either is valid, smartass.

Newsflash, esayist:

don't be a douchebag and pretend you've scored some kind of point against an idiot.

So shut the fuck up.

Are you seriously trying to tell me that I shouldn't have taken those things as rudeness towards me and name-calling? Ok, you said "shut the fuck up". Technically it's not calling me names, but it's like saying, "I didn't call you a faggot, I said your mother's a whore!"

I wasn't out of line for going on the defensive, come on. Were someone to speak to me like that in person, I probably would punch them in the face. Now we're getting into semantics...just let it go, man.

What you need to realize is that any ill-will or insult hurled at me out of spite will be thrown right back at you ten-fold. It's just how I roll. I don't take shit from anyone. Sorry if you were offended, though. I've said it a million bajillion times before: I never insult anyone who didn't insult me first. It's over the top sometimes and a little overboard as well because I want to shut it down immediately. I don't like people being negative towards me, online or off. Do I REALLY think you're a moron? Of course not...well, now that you decided to have a decent talk about it without resorting to insults. However, were you to continue berating me and tell me I'm stupid for something I know for a fact that I'm right about, I probably would have just said, "whatever" and continue to think you were a moron. You didn't do that, so you're not a least in my book.