say something about ... yourself!

Ok, I lied. I'm a big pussy and I get my feelings hurt easily.

*cries* WHYAS ERRYBODY MAKIN' FUNNUH ME TODAY!!!! *sniffles like when you were a kid and you couldn't stop sniffling and it was almost like a hiccup*

Are you seriously trying to tell me that I shouldn't have taken those things as rudeness towards me and name-calling? Ok, you said "shut the fuck up". Technically it's not calling me names, but it's like saying, "I didn't call .you a faggot, I said your mother's a whore!"

Short answer: No.

Yes, I could have lightly resisted your obvious tomfoolery. But I'm
a)In a bad mood because it's fucking hotter than it should be.
b)Not an idiot.
c)Irritated due to (above).

What you ought to realize is that while people do occasionally take you seriously and blow up at you, you have a really large ego. Maybe it's justified, maybe not, but either way, it comes off as pretty damn arrogant sometimes. That was my real issue.

edit: I guess DW made a typo or something.
When Glenn has his book published I am going to buy one, scan it for a single grammar mistake, and upon finding said mistake proceed with the book burning.
Are you seriously trying to tell me that I shouldn't have taken those things as rudeness towards me and name-calling? Ok, you said "shut the fuck up". Technically it's not calling me names, but it's like saying, "I didn't call .you a faggot, I said your mother's a whore!"

Short answer: No.

Yes, I could have lightly resisted your obvious tomfoolery. But I'm
a)In a bad mood because it's fucking hotter than it should be.
b)Not an idiot.
c)Irritated due to (above).

What you ought to realize is that while people do occasionally take you seriously and blow up at you, you have a really large ego. Maybe it's justified, maybe not, but either way, it comes off as pretty damn arrogant sometimes. That was my real issue.

edit: I guess DW made a typo or something.

Ok you wanted an essay:

I think you mean to say, "that IS my real issue", because not a day goes by that you don't post some passive aggressive comment towards me when I post about something. But you know what? That's perfectly fine. Keep doing it, it's entertaining to me and sometimes pretty funny. But you know what you shouldn't do? You shouldn't keep acting like I don't get under your skin and then act like a dick towards me just out of spite. I'm calling it as I see it. Be up front and say what you really think and don't hide behind pointed comments. You only do it with me, which leads me to believe that you have some sort of internet vendetta against me and you don't even know me. This is the first time you've been honest about any of this.

This happens every time you go away and then come back after a hiatus. Do you ever lurk here? Have you noticed that the drama is usually almost non-existent when you don't try to stir shit up? It's the same for me either way; I can roll with the punches and it livens up the forum, actually. In some strange way it's even fun sometimes. But every time you come back, you have to poke the bear and then get pissed off over some silly ass shit that doesn't matter, and then try to get out of it by hurling insults and flat-out making shit up sometimes about me. I've never said one_single_negative_thing about you EVER that wasn't in response to your mean-spiritedness. But if you want to paint me as the bad guy, that's fine. I have no problem with being the bad guy, even though it seems you're the only person here who has a problem with me. Kevin and I sometimes go round and round sometimes, but it's usually about a specific issue or stance on a certain issue and it never gets personal. I have lots of respect for Kevin. You, sir, have none for me, as a person or a member of this forum...which is fine, if you wanna play it that way. Just don't get pissed off when I say something you don't like.

Maybe I do have a large ego, and maybe it's really all for nothing in particular...I dunno. I don't feel like I do...I tend to speak matter-of-factly and without filter sometimes. Admittedly, I could be more tactful sometimes, but that's just who I am.

When I first came back to the forum in 2006 after a few years away, I had a lot on my chest and this forum was a great way to release that anxiety. Also, I was brand new to my then-new life and was super ecstatic; consequently, I brought up the subject of Italy a bit too much. But just like a kid who still loves all his toys even though they may not be so new anymore, the subject just doesn't come up that often these days. The constant comparisons between Americans and Europeans have largely subsided except for certain cases in which I feel strongly, and if I do it now it's out of humor and not frustration. I'm sure I was a bore and a pain in the beginning but I didn't care and I still don't. It was a way for me to bounce ideas and arguments off of different people, particularly people who had a different point of view; a "FORUM" for the venting of my frustrations.

So, with that, if you're still harboring some grudge from back in 2006/7, that's YOUR PROBLEM, not mine. Here's what you can expect from me, so feel free to return to this page in case you forget:

I will not take shit from anyone. Ever. If said shit is hurled at me, I will launch a fucking nuclear shit strike upon them to stop it ASAP. I don't turn the other cheek, but I will end it either by driving them insane or publicly humiliating them.

If I have an opinion, I will express it no matter how popular or unpopular it may be. People can deal with's a public forum. If they can't deal with it, then they can GTFO.

I will never, ever out of spite be rude to someone on the forum who isn't rude to me first.

You may call me arrogant, but I'm simply confident and don't take any shit from anyone, online or off. People who think it's ok to say, "it's just the internet lawl!" can fuck off and die. Rudeness and being an asshole over any medium makes you an asshole, not a part-time asshole.
I'll be waiting.

Just remember I never said you were all a bunch of illiterates; those were your words. Aaaaaaaaaaaand I think we're done here.