say something about ... yourself!

In response to nightshade, I contacted the health dept head, and she was fairly ill informed (not surprised), but she agreed that it was idiotic that no facilities test for mrsa's sensitivity to antibiotics. I suggested that the county should send one page pamphlets to everybody. She claimed they couldn't afford it, and I told her "if the county library can do it for their book sale/drive, so can the health dept..". Fuck.

Covered with scars from about 25+ healing mrsa wounds, only one active one on my right shin, and it feels like it goes to the bone... I've had about 4 on my shins so far.

Contacted a potental phage therapist in case This gets really ugly. A little nervous about injecting live organisms in my bloodstream.

A friend's dog stole the case for my brand new bubbler and buried it during our bonfire this morning. He also apparently ate a bud they dropped..right after we had a chat about him being a stoner dog.

Fuck, that was long :(
Fecking sun burn itch continues. I am being driven to near insanity.

Fuck, I know what you feel. Covered with an annoying "die off" rash, and I've blacked out a couple times from it.

I'm sorry about you woofies, Brooks :(
Oh Lesa, what you have sounds absolutely terrible. I hope you find something soon that will get rid of it! If not, will it ever just go away over time?

My psoriasis is still about the same as it's been for a month or so. Not much left of it, but still too much for me to feel comfortable wearing short sleeves. As for itches, I can't scratch ANY itch unless I want a new psoriasis patch to form where I scratched. UGH. The Neverboard skin collectively SUCKS this year! :(
Its nice, I´ve relaxed to a disgusting degree (besides the hike) this week, but I am ready to return home. Northern Europe is more my style, methinks.

That has always been my preference as well. I just never saw the appeal to South America...I'm sure it's beautiful and I'd love to visit, but it's just...bah, I dunno.
lol people in school were always like "England? why do you want to go there, go to the Caribbean instead and stay on the beach instead." and i was always like "yeah sitting on a beach all fucking day sure sounds like boat loads of fun..."
lol people in school were always like "England? why do you want to go there, go to the Caribbean instead and stay on the beach instead." and i was always like "yeah sitting on a beach all fucking day sure sounds like boat loads of fun..."
hey look water! Ok lets go do something.

I cant stand people that talk about the beach like it's the coolest thing ever.
Yeah beaches really aren't that great. Especially when people come visit here and are like OMG CALIFORNIA LET'S GO TO THE BEACH... but the beaches in San Francisco are cold, foggy, dirty, and the water is full of sharks.
Oh Lesa, what you have sounds absolutely terrible. I hope you find something soon that will get rid of it! If not, will it ever just go away over time?

My psoriasis is still about the same as it's been for a month or so. Not much left of it, but still too much for me to feel comfortable wearing short sleeves. As for itches, I can't scratch ANY itch unless I want a new psoriasis patch to form where I scratched. UGH. The Neverboard skin collectively SUCKS this year! :(

I sound crazy, but the last thing you can try is completely alkalizing your body. When your skin starts erupting, it means that something is wrong internally most of the time. Our immune systems shut down in acidic environments, and the standard American diet (S.A.D.) promotes a dangerously acidic PH. Bacteria and viruses also thrive in an acidic ph, and I think that explains what has been happening to me. I have recently eliminated most chemicals (msg, HFCS, preservatives) from my diet, and have been concentrating on whole foods, but now I'm strictly eating a raw foods diet..and these are specifically alkalizing, organic foods. No sugar, no acidifying breads, and very few meats. Believe me, it's working wonders on the MRSA, and it will probably help clear up your skin too!!

I've been on antibiotics, oral/topical/inhaled steriods, and other garbage every few months during...well, my entire life, and it's destroyed me. Couple that with American crap food, and I'm not surprised why I'm this way.