say something about ... yourself!

the beach rules. be it sunny happy warm beach like san diego and santa cruz, or rocky cliffy beach like salt point, or pretty much all along hwy 1. its all awesome, the ocean rules, living far away from the coast would fuckin suck.
Not a fan of the sun, or the beach, or summer, or anything related. I like my pale complexion.
But those early autumn days when it's still sunny and warm enough to dress light (and stay out till late) are where it's at for me.
Called in sick to work because it's so absolutely fucking gorgeous out.
I just sat under the glorious sun in the deep recesses of my garden and finished my book.

My Sicilian skin has no interest in sun screen.

Goddamn all you dagos. You sit out in the sun for 5 minutes and you look like a Hawaiian Tropic model.

I have to burn to beet red, then peel the skin off in the following weeks like a fucking lizard to get a decent tan that will last maybe a week.

And Derek, you should KNOW that I'm not an expensive date. :p
Also, do you know what I LOATHE about this place (Italy, not the Neverboard)? Italians are completely averse to turning on the fucking air conditioner.

They are such pussies in cold weather, so they force people like me to fucking die in the heat indoors. They all have air conditioners in their cars and in their homes, they just never use them. So whenever I have to teach or do something inside, it's like a fucking sauna in the summer and they love it. Whenever I turn the air conditioner on, they whine and cry that it's too cold. Well guess what? WEAR A FUCKING SWEATER IF IT'S TOO COLD. Don't make me suffer because you hate the cold. I can't take off any clothes to get comfortable in the summer, but you can put more clothes on if you're cold.

I'm gonna start teaching in my boxer shorts with my dick hanging out of the front and see how they like that. I bet they'll turn the A/C on then.
I was in Rome for a year and occasionally the dude who owned the flat would call by when we were out and switch the air-con off. They hate it that much.
They actually feel pain when the A/C is on. They're like spawns from hell or something. Their muscles start to freeze up and they actually get cramps from a fucking air conditioner. This isn't a deep freezer or anything like that; this is room temperature we're talking about.
lol wtf he wen't in your house to turn of something thats not his? I would have fucked him up.

He probably did it to save money...electricity bills are expensive here. Still, I've never heard of anyone doing that.

I tell all my friends and associates that if they don't turn the fucking air conditioner on or at least keep the room to a decent civilized temperature, I'm leaving. I won't work in a place that's too damn hot when it shouldn't be. I'm not in a factory or anything, I'm a fucking English teacher.

It doesn't really get that hot where I live; 85-90 degrees is about the max it gets, but it's just uncomfortable after a while. I've become a big pussy when it comes to hot weather.
I was actually probably happiest when I lived in Monterey. I miss that town. I think the beach and weather were a big part of that.

I totally hear ya there. I grew up in Salinas and would go to Monterey or Moss Landing nearly every weekend it was really nice. The beaches there are really awesome. I remember there was a really great one near Marina somewheres. Ive never been able to find it since. It was amazing though.
just got back from the Exodus cd release show in SF and holy shit it was intense; they played from 10:50 - 12:35 and busted out rare songs like Hell's Breath, Impaler, Fabulous Disaster (not as rare but still badass) and played The Sun Is My Destroyer for the first time live ever. Definitely an awesome fun show but the pit was pretty weak; mostly guys either grabbing onto your shirt and pushing all the way across the pit or one dude who would strike you to try to push you down on the floor (fucker hit me in the neck once) but for songs like Strike of the beast and Toxic Waltz it was fun. However I decided to go shirtless (douchey as fuck I know but it was crazy hot in there) which resulted in a ton of huge cuts all over my torso I just noticed taking a shower (some are like almost half a foot long), do people not cut their nails anymore? ridiculous.